Prom Shorties

Follow up Friday is a little early: faulty nipple ring searches; top 10 false reasons Hillary should keep ripping the party apart stay in the race; a majority of doctors — particularly in the disciplines that see the most people — think Medicare For All is a good idea (Hey, AMA? AOA? Listening?); all 50 states have gotten extensions to comply with REAL ID, even those that didn’t want any extension (way to tell them off, Chertoff!), and don’t forget that REAL ID mandated the much hated border fence.

Just maybe letting the fox bunk in the henhouse is a bad idea: lawmaker thinks the FAA is too cozy with the folks they are supposed to be regulating.

Now we know what it takes to get us to drive less: Average gas prices of $3.28 have (at least partially) caused the first drop in miles Americans drive since 1980. Other potential factors? Oh I don’t know, maybe losing the job, losing the home in exurbia, and internet shopping. Oh, don’t forget that rising fuel prices result in rising food prices.

At least the kids are alright: yet more babies being dropped off at the Jikei Hospital in Kumamoto, Japan.

Short version of the memo: The president doesn’t have to follow the law. He doesn’t have to follow international law, and he sure as heck doesn’t have to follow the laws Congress passes, even if he signs them. Now get back in there and give ’em the ol’ Abu Gharib!

Don’t forget France: They’re sending more troops to Afghanistan. “Hundreds” of French soldiers will soon be on their way. That’ll show everybody who’s in charge of Kabul!

Meow? Presented without comment, the Swiss Cat Controversy.

Yes, that does summarize it nicely: The BondDad points out at the end of his commentary called The Financialization of the US Economy the following: “Notice we’re still paying more interest than our total growth rate… You have to pay back debt at some point. Yes, you can refinance it etc…. but that doesn’t eliminate the basic problem — you still owe the money. And at some point, that’s going to bite is hard.”

I’m still a Deaniac: even if the IHT thinks Howard Dean doesn’t have what it takes. He got Lieberman out of the party, didn’t he? He managed to take out Hillary’s status as Presumptive Heir, even if she’s not out of the race, didn’t he? I like a little subtlety in my politicians. (Note to Harry Reid, not that much subtlety, mmkay?)

Uhhh, what? Meatscapes.

On that note, I’m out of here.

3 thoughts on “Prom Shorties”

  1. Hiya Shorty, It is interesting that the baby window is so popular given the self decried demographic crisis in Japan. I guess wanting them is alot different from being able to care for them…

    and $3.28 for gas? That is cheap. I think most place here in the rainy city are at least ten cents higher.
    Couldn’t even afford the gas it would take to make running that garden hose from the exhaust to the dirvers window a possibility.

  2. That’s interesting about the large numbers of physicians favoring Medicare for All. I help some elderly relatives with Medicare issues, or rather, I DON’T help them with Medicare issues. Meaning, Medicare pays their claims, their EOB’s are informative and super easy to read, doctors offices and hospitals know exactly how to submit claims to Medicare, Medicare does everything promptly without the need for followup calls, more providers than ever are accepting Medicare (at least in Michigan) etc.

    I admit it hasn’t always been this easy dealing with Medicare, since different private-sector insurance companies are contracted to pay the claims. About 10 years ago it was horrible to deal with Medicare in Michigan until finally the claims processing was pulled from Michigan Blue Cross Blue Shield and eventually given to Wisconsin (I think) Blue Cross/Blue Shield. The last year was horribly hectic for me with everyone going in and out of hospitals, and the last thing I needed was insurance company hassles. Thankfully, everything went smoothly and I didn’t have to make one phone call to deal with Medicare issues.

  3. What’s even more interesting about the majority of doctors favoring Medicare For All is that pretty much every one of the big physician organizations, including the accrediting boards for pretty much every specialty, is against it!

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