Go Home, Hillary!

Quite enough has been written about the whole “snipers” thing. Including some political cartoons. That’s only one dumb moment, really.

Let’s not forget about Let’s get Alan Greenspan — whom some people blame the housing mess on in the first place — to head a blue ribbon panel to see if it’s a good idea to shore up housing by having government buy up excess supply and maybe we can rent it out or something. Do you think $30 billion ought to do the trick? It was fine for Bear Stearns…. Oh yeah, and while we’re at it, let’s shield mortgage servicers from liability if they decide to arbitrarily make mortgage terms worse without actually negotiating a new contract with the homeowner! Great idea, there, Hillary.

Let’s not forget that she’s a member of a secretive, ultra-fundamentalist group of Christian nationalists called The Fellowship who want to bring their specific blend of Christianity into mainstream government in violation of the First Amendment. Before you start getting all defensive, do you think your Christianity is good enough for them? If they are really fighting for what is “right”, why do they have to be secretive? The Jesus whose words I’ve read said that you shall know the truth, and it shall set you free.

Fewer people view her positively now. At all. And as for those SuperDelegates we’ve been told are the key to her winning? The ones that she thinks knows better than us (and so uh, that’s why we’re supposed to shut up and voter for her in November)? She’s “turning them off“. Heck, didn’t she see Bill Richardson’s endorsement of Obama as a sign? Maybe they just don’t like being threatened. Way to win friends and influence people, there.

And yet she thinks she has a chance. A fat one maybe. Perhaps the Japanese have the right idea about elections.

In closing: don’t forget Real ID; an interesting way of looking at health insurance; underground candy smugglers; New Scotty played true to Old Scotty; Citizen Carrie on the H-1B mess, which she probably understands better than any layperson; and now I remember why I haven’t deleted BoingBoing from my list of feeds, Now our skies are safe from the scourge of nipple rings. Now really, once you’ve seen her boobs, can’t you just apply your brain and figure out they aren’t gonna blow up? They’re boobs! Much like the screener who noticed them! How would somebody take over an aircraft with a nipple ring? Take me to Cuba or I’ll pierce you! And was it really necessary to remove the things, in the concourse, with the male screeners laughing? And furthermore, if the nipple rings are dangerous, why not the navel ring? Why were hers dangerous, but Nicole Richie’s were ok for flight? What’s going to happen when they encounter some of the more unusual piercings? Pardon me, do you have Prince Albert in a can?? Seriously! America’s Zero Thinking Policies must change or we are doomed.

Take it easy. It’s crazy out there.

2 thoughts on “Go Home, Hillary!”

  1. I am so torn here. I can list a hundred reasons not to vote for Clinton. Obama does not inspire me, and his policy (especially domestic policy) doesn’t take the steps needed to get out of the current economic and health care crisis. Both Clinton or Obama will be eaten alive by congress — and the people will continue to suffer. Both Clinton and Obama will motivate the far right wingnuts, and we’ll be back to the same shit we’re digging out of now, in relatively short time.

    McShame is just not an option. I’m thoroughly disgusted that race and gender trumped policy so early on in the nominee process. Worse than that, I’m sick and tired of going to the polls and holding my nose to vote.

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