Security Theatre Act XI

I Guess We Can’t Call Them “Air Marshals” Anymore

Today it was announced that Air Marshals will also be patrolling — both uniformed and undercover — on busses, trains, and ferries. Here’s a great excerpt: “Rather, the TSA is trying to expand the role of air marshals, who have been eager to conduct surveillance activities beyond the aircraft, and tighten security at public transit stations over the holiday.”

So how about that. We now have a Secret Transit Police. How long until one of them shoots some mentally ill homeless person? And what interesting class warfare implications this has. After all, rich people don’t ride the bus.

Is this about insuring the safety of public transit riders? Then why not put uniformed beat cops on busses? Or is this about — in their own words — “surveillance activities” against American citizens as they go about their business?

Nation Jumps the Shark

Remember when John Bolton was nominated as Ambassador to the UN, and his critics brought out video of his saying stuff like “[T]here is no United Nations. There is an international community that occasionally can be led by the only real power left in the world, and that’s the United States, when it suits our interest, and when we can get others to go along”?

Today, 150 members of the international community decided they were going to have formal talks about mandatory greenhouse gas reduction, and they decided they would do it without the United States. To put this in perspective, that’s more countries than will be at next week’s World Trade Organization meeting.

So much for how the United States can make the international community go along with whatever we want.

American officials have been trying hard to make the Kyoto Accords go away, and it isn’t happening. They threatened to pick up their toys and go home if Clinton was allowed to speak yesterday (he did, they didn’t). Nevertheless, it is becoming more clear that the weather is becoming more dangerous around the world. Just about the only scientists who think Global Warming is bunk seem to work for big polluters. Even though our government is not on board, a growing number of large businesses and cities are in, and doing what they can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution.

Unless you really expect the end of the world to be sometime before next summer, the time to act is now. Quick reminder: everyone who has predicted the end of the world has so far been wrong.

Call Your Congresscritters

I do not nearly have the time I would like to explore this topic more completely, so here is the short version.

The border security bill currently under consideration in the House of Representatives contains language that would “requir[e] the Social Security Administration, Treasury Department and Department of Justice to study the concept of a machine-readable Social Security card with a photo ID.”

This is a bad, bad idea. Thanks to changes in tax law, most Americans get Social Security Numbers as babies. A photo ID Social Security Card will have to be renewed regularly to be used as identification. This will incidentally create a photo database of every American, perfect for feeding into biometric recognition devices. It is also clear — since it’s laminated — that it is intended to be the sort of thing that everyone will carry in their wallets all the time, presentable to any Government official who asks. Even the Social Security Administration advises against actually carrying your Social Security Card. This is beyond the concerns of the Liberty Coalition:

“Even setting aside concerns of intentional ‘blacklisting’ of innocent Americans, even a small error rate could mean millions of Americans forced out of work by computer mistakes,” said Liberty Coalition Policy Director James Plummer. “Homeland Security has a poor record of putting innocent Americans on secretive “no-fly” lists, and should not be entrusted with determining who is allowed is to make a living in this country.”

Let’s face it: the only reason this is being considered at all is that the States are balking and doing everything they can to keep from implementing Real ID. Good for them. Keep the pressure on your State Governments. And tell your Representative and Senators to kill this internal passport requirement.

In closing: real quotes by Tom DeLay.

Shorties Meet Frankenstein

David Horsey on the Economy: a pictures speaks a thousand words.

Let Sleeping Preschoolers Lie: Remember last month we learned that too little sleep may be causing behavior and/or learning problems at school? Funny, nobody thought to ask how many of these problems might be cured by making sure the kids consistently get a good night’s sleep. It turns out that younger kids may also not be getting enough sleep.

Psst, Buddy, Wanna Buy a House? When the housing market slows down, it may cost the economy 800,000 skilled jobs. That does not include support services, such as mobile food services or sales of work clothes. Please note that these predictions are in the event of a “slowdown,” not a “bubble bursting.”

There Go 30,000 More Manufacturing Jobs: Ford may cut 30,000 more jobs. Merry Christmas. That’s on top of GM’s 30,000 announced layoffs. But those people get 95% of the pay they would get if they were working. (I don’t understand how GM hopes to save a lot of money this way.) According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, there were over 99,000 announced layoffs in November. and December is off to a big start. Keep these numbers in mind when the “job creation” numbers come out next.

Security Update: On this day when a man apparently trying to flee an airplane was shot dead by an Air Marshall, it might interest you to know that 30,000 people discovered they were erroneously put on a Federal terrorist watchlist. An unknown number of people may simply not know they are mistakenly on such a list. Of course, the watchlists are a waste of time and money anyway. In other security news, Gilmore Vs. Gonzales is finally going to Appeals Court. This case is about a lot of very important things, the most pressing of which are whether you need to show an ID card in order to travel, and whether the government can hold us to “secret laws.”

‘Tis the Season to Stuff Ourselves Senseless

It’s December, and the parade of food has begun. The cookies, candies, parties, and special meals won’t let up until you’ve shoveled black-eyed peas into your mouth on New Years Day. Figure in Thanksgiving, and you have six straight weeks of assorted feasting. Nobody can really blame you for putting on a few pounds over the holidays, can they?

This fellow came up with a novel diet plan: he only eats when he is hungry. That means not eating because “Gosh, that looks good” or “Everybody else is” or “It’s on my plate” or “It will just go to waste if I don’t” or “It’s lunchtime” or “It’s traditional” or even (particularly) “I’m depressed/stressed/tired/bored.”

He lost 50 pounds that way, and kept it off. His buddy tried it, lost 35 pounds, and seems to be keeping it off. They eat whatever strikes them, without counting calories or fat grams or carbohydrate grams, and stop when they are full. There are no forbidden foods. They do eat their vegetables.

Sounds worth a try, doesn’t it?

If you don’t like that idea, there’s the No S Diet. Here’s a fellow who decided to say NO to Sweets, Snacks, and Seconds except Sometimes on Special days. I like the fact that he admits up front that you can’t lose weight by eating a lot of sugar. I like even more that he addresses (like the first fellow) that our overriding diet problem as Americans is we just eat too darn much. And I really like the fact that it allows for a treat on the weekends or a piece of cake on your birthday. His approach to diet is very honest, and it’s worth a read no matter what your dietary paradigm. It’s hard to argue with his results.

In closing, the housing bubble may deflate slowly as Americans Just Say No to overpriced real estate markets, the GOP says they want to start a secret biological research and defense agency, but it sounds more like a biological warfare facility to me, more states start to say “No, thanks!” to Federal education dollars, how to reduce your chances of being hacked, and finally by way of follow up, I told you months ago that DINOs like Joe Lieberman should expect to have their Congressional seats challenged.

GDP is not a monogram

Today, we learned that 3rd quarter GDP grew 4.3%. Or perhaps more accurately, informs us that’s what the “Government Says.” Noting a source, or being skeptical? Nobody can blame them for the latter, since “The growth came despite two major hurricanes that slowed economic activity in the quarter, energy price shocks, higher interest rates and a record trade deficit in September, which subtracts from GDP.”

Many seem surprised by the fact that the “Economy Expands in 3Q Despite Hurricanes.” Nobody seems to have considered that the hurricanes may have boosted the economy.

How the heck does that work? A major metropolitan area is almost wiped from the map, three states are devastated, energy costs reach record highs, and I think that might have improved the economic numbers?

All those people who were displaced by Katrina and/or Rita still needed a place to live, and food. Many of them had to replace most of what they owned, and that meant spending money. Add the money that was spent by FEMA and the Red Cross and other aid organizations. Add everybody who spent money helping hurricane victims. The money being spent to clean and rebuild the gulf coast. All the insurance settlements being spent replacing that which was destroyed. The money being spent on security goons who might otherwise be overseas.

And finally, add any money that Joe and Jane Average spent trying to save on energy: a more efficient car; better insulation for the house.

Despite this better than expected showing for the economy, stocks and the dollar are in mixed trading — some things are up, some down. And gold is still trading at levels associated with “a safe haven when the dollar drops, inflation rises and economic calamity looms.”

Why aren’t the markets reflecting this great news? MarketWatch tells us it’s several things. Because there is still some inflation, the Fed will almost certainly raise interest rates. Happy New Year. Oh, and the consumer — whose spending resulted in the good news — cannot be counted on to spend even more money this quarter. After all, wages have risen less than 1% in the last 2 months and job growth is barely keeping up with new entries to the workforce. In fact, in the 3rd quarter, real disposable income fell The purchasing manager’s index is down. Government spending was up.

And finally, it seems that there are other areas of the world with much, much bigger rises in economic activity.

So when Larry Kudlow wonders why the Bush Administration is not shouting about how great the economy is, it might just be because it only looks great from a distance.

Nightmare on Shorties Street

A leading Democrat answers the question What did we know and when did we know it.

Kansas University thumbs its nose at the state Board of Education and offers a class called “Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism and other Religious Mythologies.” I wonder if they will have a lecture on the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Dude! It turns out that making pot busts a low priority in Seattle has not resulted in a drug fueled apocalypse of hedonism.

The Color Purple: Crushed between sagging public opinion of Republican tactics and a chairman of the Democratic party whose book suggests that DINOs (Democrats In Name Only) should consider themselves in danger of challengers in a future primary, Some “purple” Democrats are no longer voting for Republican bills.

Some travel tips for infrequent fliers, and an interesting item from Europe: the EU may stop going along with the United States’ data demands.

Finally, a few pre-Thanksgiving words on live Christmas tree safety. My only live Christmas tree safety tip is this: Don’t! Leave it growing somewhere outside! Seriously, imagine a door-to-door salesman showing up at your house saying “I am offering you the opportunity to pay me to put a messy, highly flammable allergen in your home for an entire month!” You might laugh before you threw him off your property. There are very nice fake trees to be had; Aluminum trees are no longer state of the art, but you can still get one if you love kitsch. And unlike live trees, you won’t have to buy a new one every year. If you just have to get a live tree, plant one in your yard and get outdoor lights.

I wish all of you a marvelous and bountiful Thanksgiving. May we all be mindful of what we have, and what others do not have.

No Way Jose

Today, the Department of Justice finally charged Jose Padilla with an actual crime. Granted, he is not charged with anything the government had previously said he did or was planning. These charges have nothing to do with dirty bombs and gas fittings in apartment buildings. Let me make one thing perfectly clear about this. If you think that Mr. Padilla is a bad, bad, no-good evil man, this is a good thing, because the evidence will show that and not only will he be convicted and put in prison for the rest of his life, but the doubters will be silenced. On the other hand, if you think that these charges are over-rated if not outright absurd, this is a good thing because the evidence or lack thereof will result in his acquittal and release, to say nothing of shutting up the folks who think that the government wouldn’t possibly hold a man for 3 years without charges unless he was truly evil.

Any way you slice it, this is long overdue.

Let me make a few predictions about the trial. First, the Attorney General’s office will fight like crazy to keep this all behind closed doors on the grounds of national security. His attorneys — whom he will hopefully be allowed to see regularly now — will argue that any sensitive information he could possibly have is 3 years stale, and besides that pesky Sixth Amendment says he has a right to a jury trial. No matter who wins that particular battle of motions, I seriously doubt there will be cameras involved in the courtroom. In fact, there may be gag orders and all kinds of things pending the final outcome. What evidence is released to the public will be convoluted.

If he does get a jury trial, the exact charges notwithstanding, you can bet that nobody on that jury will be a scientist or have any involvement whatsoever with property management.

There is a possibility that this is nothing more than a delaying tactic. You may recall that the Supreme Court has been asked to consider whether the government should either charge him or release him. This move means the Supremes most likely won’t hear the case at all. Oh, and the trial isn’t expected to begin until next September. That’s almost a year from now, and that assumes that all the legal maneuvering beforehand goes smoothly. His trial might not begin before the 2006 elections.

Remember, if the government can hold a man for 3 years on nothing more than “trust us, he is a very bad man,” they can hold you or me or a member of your family on that same basis. The framers of the Constitution and Bill of Rights knew this; let us never forget it.

A Few Things I’ve Learned About Investing

Somebody smarter than myself once said that anybody could learn from their mistakes, but a wise man could learn from somebody else’s mistakes. In that spirit, I present some humble tips gleaned from experience and observation. Remember, my definition of “investment” is “spending money with the reasonable expectation of receiving more money in return at a later date.” So life insurance and lotto tickets are specifically not investments in my book.

Be honest with yourself about what you expect your investments to do. Have two exit plans: one for if all goes as expected; one for if things don’t go as expected. Write your goal and plans down before spending money if you have to. There’s no such thing as a “sure thing,” so you need to be prepared for the idea that the hot stock of the day might be going down. Or maybe there isn’t as much market for collectable action figures as you thought there would be. It is alright to cut your losses rather than following a bad investment down the drain.

Investments are not cuddly. You may dearly love your collection of dolls or teacups or what-have-you. That does not make them investments.

The key to investing in assets is realizing that it’s a good deal before everybody else does. The Motley Fool used to talk about finding good quality small capitalization stocks before fund managers and the rest of Wall Street. When institutional interest finally comes, it should cause the price of the stock to go up. Of course, the opposite is true too. When you accidentally overhear multiple people in multiple places talking about a particular, a reversal is likely coming. Everyone who wants the action is already in.

The trend really is your friend. While it is a bad idea to go chasing the latest hottest trend unless you have nerves of steel and are poised to get out of your investments at a moment’s notice, it is a good idea to notice where things are headed. You may never be an expert reading stock charts, but it doesn’t take much to figure out that if prices keep going down, they are likely to continue. Somebody has to be the guy who buys at the very bottom, but chances are it’s not you. At least wait until prices stop going down. The only asset this advice does not apply to is bonds. That’s because as the price of bonds go down, the effective interest rate you earn on them goes up.

Never buy something without knowing what it is going to cost. Never ever place a market order for a stock that is not trading at the moment. If a fast-talking salesdude tells you to act now without telling you exactly how much money it is going to cost, don’t walk away: run! “I have to have it and I don’t care what it costs” is fine when ordering lobster at market rate, but it’s no way to buy a house or a stock or much of anything else that costs more than you are apt to have in your wallet in cash.

If you are going to invest in stocks, learn to use stop and limit orders. Stop orders — aka stop-loss orders — are designed to keep you from losing money. If a stock drops below the price you set, it sells. Or if a stock rises to a price you set, you can buy. Limit orders work the other way around: a limit buy order says you will pay no more than your set price; a limit sell order means a stock you own will be sold when the price rises to the set price. Each is valuable.

Finally, ask yourself why. Sometimes an investment serves more than one purpose. For example, if you buy a house it is both the place you live and an asset. If you put money in an IRA you hope to make money as well as get a tax break. When you invest money, you should be able to say why you think it’s a good investment to people like your spouse or financial advisor. Now and then, you should revisit this answer to see if it’s still true.

In closing, an interview with Yukio Hattori. House of Representatives defeats spending cut measure showing both that decency is a family value and that Republican House Leadership can no longer force obedience. Two good reasons why the GDP seems so much better from the top than from where we are. And three times as many people believe in ESP than believe Dick Cheney is a good Vice President.

Village of the Shorties

Molly Ivins says: “I have known George W. Bush since we were both in high school — we have dozens of mutual friends…. Spare me the tough talk…. Torture does not work. It is not productive. It does not yield important, timely information. That is in the movies. This is reality.”

The Mess That Greenspan Made points out that the CPI deliberately ignores the true cost of healthcare. I really need to add these folks to the Stuff I Read List.

The New York Times investigates a sociological trend: “They’re Soft and Cuddly, So Why Lash Them to the Front of a Truck?”

Maybe this will help the trade imbalance for a little bit: Japan buying Patriot Missiles until they can figure out how to build missiles themselves. I am concerned about the latest trends from Japan and the SDF.

National Geographic says it is now possible to turn poop into rocket fuel.

Alternet points out Look who we’ve made Ambassador to Italy!

And finally, a pro-life bill even a pro-choice person can love. Pro-life community, put your money where your mouth is.