Security Theatre Act XI

I Guess We Can’t Call Them “Air Marshals” Anymore

Today it was announced that Air Marshals will also be patrolling — both uniformed and undercover — on busses, trains, and ferries. Here’s a great excerpt: “Rather, the TSA is trying to expand the role of air marshals, who have been eager to conduct surveillance activities beyond the aircraft, and tighten security at public transit stations over the holiday.”

So how about that. We now have a Secret Transit Police. How long until one of them shoots some mentally ill homeless person? And what interesting class warfare implications this has. After all, rich people don’t ride the bus.

Is this about insuring the safety of public transit riders? Then why not put uniformed beat cops on busses? Or is this about — in their own words — “surveillance activities” against American citizens as they go about their business?