Lovely Picture, but I Hate the Frame

There’s a lot of things going on in the world right now. A lot of people are talking about the Senate deciding that the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over certain prisoners. Or President Bush, master of revisionist history, revising history by accusing others of revising history. Or the delayed House vote on the Federal budget — just like the last few years there’s no need to rush since the fiscal year started 6 weeks ago. Or the Democratic world rejoicing at what appears to have been a resounding victory over the Republican world in Tuesday’s elections. Or Pat Robertson’s continued silliness, this time calling down God’s Wrath over a school board election. There are already plenty of voices talking about that. I am uninspired to frost those particular cakes.

Instead, I would like to engage in some name-calling.

No, it isn’t what you think. George Lakoff is still thought of very highly in liberal circles. His fundamental idea, as you may recall, is that words — framing, or what we call things — matter. That’s fine, as far as it goes; political rhetoric is full of loaded terms like “tax relief” and “pro-choice” and “death tax.” Everyone who has been paying attention knows that these loaded terms are meant to make us think of things a certain way: “There’s a tax on dying? We’ve got to put an end to that!” Yet we have not stopped to consider the fundamental frames around our entire political spectrum.

“Conservative” brings to mind sober people in pressed blazers who worked hard to climb up the socio-economic ladder, who put aside 10% of their earnings for charity and another 10% for savings, and who are furthermore more or less content with the status quo. “Liberal” brings to mind long haired hippies and drug inspired music and whining about how we should take care of people and the various ways the world needs change while doing darned little about it.

“Right” versus “Left” is an even worse comparison. First of all, the overwhelming majority of people are very unsure what these labels mean. If you were to ask a dozen people whether they are “right” or “left” most of them would say “right,” but if you were to ask them their actual views, some of them would look a lot more centrist if not downright “left.” And who can blame them, everybody wants to be right. There’s the other problem. “Right” the direction cannot be distinguished from “right,” being correct. There is the unconscious feeling that “Left” must surely be “Wrong.” This idea has a long history of linguistic support: “gauche” is French for “left,” and who wants to be gauche?; “sinister” is Latin for “left” and certainly nobody wants to be known as sinister.

Can we please stop referring to the liberal end of the political spectrum as “left”?

Even the modern “Red” versus “Blue” distinction has problems. Why on earth are we using a system of classifying political thought on an coincidental color-coding on the 2000 Election electoral map? How on earth did these terms survive past Thanksgiving of 2000? Surprisingly, I think that Red/Blue labels are damaging to the Democrats. Consider this: would you rather be called a red-blooded American or a blue-blooded American? Hang a label like “Blue” on a patrician like John Kerry and watch him be ridiculed as an elitist snob. Red/Blue perpetuates the image of sushi eating latte drinking volvo driving coastal types ridiculing the hard working farmers and factory workers of the heartland, which the former refers to by the derogatory title “The Flyover States.”

We’ve got to take Red/Blue out back, shoot it, and put it out of our misery.

Every system we have of classifying current American political thought is subject to ridicule, but what should we put in its place? It is unfortunate that “Conservative” versus “Liberal” is the best thing we have, but if we must have an alternative naming convention, I think I have an idea.

Let’s take a page from the 70s. In several key respects, modern Conservatives are just as uptight as they were in the 70s, so I propose calling them after the famous Conservative TV Patriarch of the era, Archie Bunker. Archie was a man who believed in the New Testament, because it was the part of the Bible that was “still good.” He was a my-President-right-or-wrong support-our-troops kind of guy — if he was around today, you bet there would be a patriotic magnet on the back of his car. He was against his wife working, against his daughter wearing short skirts, against having the wrong sort of people in his neighborhood. He never met a stereotype he didn’t like. He was for hard work, lower taxes, and the Good Old U.S.A..

Oh, but if we use this metaphor, it is only fair to start referring to the Liberal end of the spectrum as the Meathead wing. Meathead — Michael Stivic — was Archie’s very liberal son-in-law. The contrast and conflict between the two was pretty much the thing that made the show work. He was the sort of guy who would wear a “make love not war” shirt under an army surplus jacket. He was a married college student, trying to get a good education and get a better job than his own father could ever have hoped for. He would have been for women’s rights even if his wife didn’t have to work to help him get through school. To be sure, there were holes in his View Of Everything, but nothing like those in Archie’s views.

Both terms are equally derogatory. Meathead States sneer at Archie Bunker States at risk of being called Meatheads. The Archie Bunker wing can mock the Meathead wing only by admitting that they are Archie Bunker.

In closing, “Gee, who could have known kids need sleep?” and a place I’ve got to check out!

Let’s Make Up Our Minds

Underneath the roar of “Scooter” Libby’s legal problems, Judge Alito’s unpopularity, several pockets of civil unrest, details of “a bad spy novel” turning out to be true, and the great bird flu panic, there is a quiet crisis bubbling throughout America.

It would be real easy to lose track of illegal immigration as a problem in this country. And no wonder: our policies are convoluted and downright contradictory.

Job growth is anemic, but employers claim they need low-cost H1-B and undocumented workers. GOP lawmakers in one state want to crack down on illegals while GOP voters in another state want to help illegals become citizens. We want a guest worker program and yet we want a fence across the Mexican border. We have The Secretary of Homeland Security saying we will get rid of every illegal while the courts point out this little thing called “due process” And finally, certain GOP lawmakers say that just because somebody was born here doesn’t mean they should be a citizen. Now, be careful with this one. They say it’s because they don’t want pregnant illegals deliberately giving birth here, but it sets a very dangerous precedent: the idea that citizenship can be taken away from Americans born in this country.

Of course, the vast majority of illegal immigrants are here because — however bad things may be here — it’s better than where they came from. This of course brings us to the fact that if we want to tackle illegal immigration, we have to work on improving conditions beyond our borders.

Employers tell us they need these undocumented workers. They tell us they can’t find Americans who are willing to work in terrible conditions for minimum wage or less. Imagine that! They tell us that — oh the horrors — prices might go up if they had to hire Americans to do the work. It makes me wonder what other laws they just can’t be bothered to follow.

I’m going to say this again, because apparently there are people who haven’t figured it out: we don’t know who illegal immigrants are. They might be just another person trying to escape crushing poverty or even persecution in their homeland. However, they might also be Bad Guys: smugglers, drug dealers, slavers, hit-men, and yes, terrorists. If illegal immigrants can get jobs in this country cleaning our buildings, processing our food, and sometimes even getting security clearances to work in sensitive places like military bases, then so can terrorists.

Illegal immigration is bad for American workers, bad for governmental budgets, bad for security. It’s even bad for immigrants, who often have little or no legal recourse should Bad Things happen.

In closing, a must-read article from Bruce Schneier on how the State Department wants to make Americans less safe overseas, Wal-Mart discovers the hard way what statisticians have known for years, poor people — their potential employee pool — are generally sicker than middle class people, Get Rid Of Your Junk! and even the Vatican thinks people should listen to science over “fundamentalism” so what’s Kansas’s problem?

Jean Valjean

Somehow, modern America is stepping sideways into Nineteenth Century France. Prison terms for stealing food to feed starving children could be right around the corner.

The House of Representatives Agriculture Committee has voted along party lines to cut over $800 Million from the Food Stamps program, incidentally taking away subsidized school lunches from about 40,000 kids. This is just part of the $3700 million in proposed cuts the committee came up with.

The Senate Agriculture Committee managed to find $39 thousand million in cuts — over ten times what the House Committee proposed — without touching food stamps.

If you think that desperate parents will not turn to crime to feed their children, you weren’t paying attention to Katrina’s aftermath. If you think they can solve their problems by just getting a [insert expletive] job, you haven’t been paying attention to fuel costs and the “working poor.”

Now, don’t get me wrong. The federal budget is way out of control and seriously needs to be reigned in. Creating desperate families with hungry children (who will spend their school days wondering what they will eat instead of how to solve the math problem in front of them) is not the answer. We could follow Wolfowitz’s admonishment to cut farm subsidies. We could end billions of dollars of tax breaks to some of America’s most profitable corporations, oil companies. We could stop paying for mercenaries and re-think how contractors are selected. Then of course there are the obvious things that could be done to help balance the budget: cut pork; let certain tax cuts for the very rich lapse; let the IRS audit more large corporations and fewer low/middle income American voters.

Nope, certain members of Congress would rather take candy from a baby… or take school lunches from kids who made the mistake of being born “poor”.

Why 2K?

Another grim milestone has been reached. Over 2000 American soldiers have died in Iraq — 2001 at this time. You can learn more about these brave men and women of the American armed forces at CNN’s alphabetical listing, or the Washington Post’s list by date. You can see the places and dates they died mapped out or you can see their hometowns mapped out.

This figure does not include Iraqis. The death toll among Iraqis is even worse, most of them innocent civilians.

If you wanted to have just one second of silence for each of the fallen American soldiers, it would take you 66 minutes and 20 seconds. That’s longer than an episode of your choice of evening TV drama, about as long as any 3 half hour shows without commercials. You could perform John Cage’s 4″ 33″ over seven times. If you prefer more traditional music — say, with notes — you could listen to almost any recording of Anton Dvorak’s New World Symphony and probably have time left over for his Academic Festival Overture.

No surprise, support for the war is waning despite commentators who call the death toll historically low (and then going on to point out that nobody knows exactly how many amputees there are) and military officials who call the figure an “artificial mark on the wall” only discussed by “individuals or groups with specific agendas and ulterior motives.”

Specific agenda? Ulterior motive? My only “agenda” is that we remember these people were human beings.

Notice Something?

I volunteer time at a school library. Just outside the library there’s a sign that always makes me do a double take. On first glance, it would appear to say “Math is the Laramie of Wyoming.” Then I remind myself that it really says “Math is the Language of Reason,” which makes a lot more sense.

Anyway, off on the right column of the main page, you’ll notice something new. Yes, I finally got around to putting up a link list.

Up, Up, and Away!

Inflation is not a risk to the economy: it is happening to the economy right now.

Friday, we learned that consumer prices made their biggest jump since John Lennon was alive. This has resulted in the biggest Social Security COLA increase (Cost Of Living Adjustment) since the Original Bush Administration. As if that is not bad enough, wages are “lagging.” In fact, in inflation adjusted dollars, wages fell. Things get even worse if you have the math at your disposal to factor in the cost of housing — and we all need a place to sleep as much as we need food and fuel. It turns out that they took housing out of the CPI in 1983, and if you add it back in the inflation rate is more like 5.3%. I don’t think CPI includes rising college costs either.

Now, some pollyannas point out that this is the CPI (Consumer Price Index), which is relatively volatile, and was pushed up by food and energy prices, the core rate wasn’t nearly that high, and besides which fuel prices are a one-time blip so everything will be back to normal soon please Mr. Greenspan don’t kick our butts and stifle the economy with rate increases. This view completely discounts the fact that an increasing amount of the household budget has been going towards fuel lately. Various state Governors have been rethinking their travel arrangements because of fuel prices; they are cutting travel and switching to higher efficiency vehicles where possible. Maybe you don’t think much about the effect of gas prices on Joe and Jane Average when you are working on Wall Street; after all those folks probably took the subway.

This view was further crushed by today’s economic news: the PPI (Producer Price Index) has shown its biggest leap since the Original Bush Administration. Energy prices alone had the biggest increase since Iraq invaded Kuwait. Gasoline increased 17.9%. Even the core rate — excluding food and energy that we arguably can’t live without — increased a “worrisome increase of 0.3%….” Since goods just can’t be produced and transported without energy, expect the energy price increase to have a lasting effect on the PPI and CPI in general. The L.A. Times helpfully adds: “Businesses have the option of passing along the higher wholesale prices to consumers or reducing their profits, two alternatives that can eventually undermine economic growth.”

So there you are. Prices go up, or profits go down. Or, of course, companies find ways to cut costs — probably involving laying people off. In any event we lose. What a perfect time to tighten bankruptcy rules.

Shorties from Outer Space

In no particular order I bring you truly random thoughts.

Fun With Science! Something to do with the kids, and everybody might learn something.

Ten Things You Shouldn’t Buy New? Actually, I disagree with this person. Let me run through a few. Books/CDs/DVDs: yeah, lots of books only get read once. Yeah there’s lots of things you can get at used book stores and libraries. But what is your time hunting The Right Book worth? If you want to feel good about buying books you’ll only read once, donate them to the public library or sell them to Half-Price Books. Kid’s toys: Apparently she’s never heard of safety recalls. As for “sturdy wooden toys,” just because it’s wood doesn’t mean it’s sturdy. Cars: Sorry, a new car has more advantages than New Car Smell. It has, oh, a warranty! No, that’s no promise that it won’t break, but it does mean that if it breaks, there’s someone who will get it fixed. And these days, a good dealership will gladly drive you to work after you drop off your car for service. Over the years I have seen so many people spend the equivalent of a car payment every month fixing an unreliable old car, because they think they can’t afford to replace it. I am not dissing used cars, just telling you to be careful and avoid money pits. Okay, a new car depreciates. So do used ones. Cars are not investments.

A hilarious cookbook! (Thanks to Slashfood) If you enjoy that, please progress to the Institute of Official Cheer.

Alan Greenspan used to be quoted as saying that retirement was like a stool with three legs: savings, Social Security, and pensions. Well, you know how the Administration wants to saw off the “Social Security” leg, but maybe you don’t know about the termites eating away at pensions. Now, personally I do not like to refer to “defined contribution plans” such as 401k programs as “pensions.” Let’s be real, a defined contribution plan is nothing more than a savings plan run by your boss. So keep that in mind as you read.

It’s official, temperatures are rising. Now, what was that the President was saying about there being no such thing as Global Warming?

Doctors agree that abstinence only education is Bad. (Thanks to Paxtonland) “The new policy says that while doctors should encourage adolescents to postpone sexual activity, they also should help ensure that all teens — not just those who are sexually active — have access to birth control, including emergency contraception.”

Finally, Fafblog!’s War on Poverty. (Thanks to Ezra Klein)

No. No! No!

It is a few weeks away from Election Day 2005. There are no Federal officials on the ballot, but there is very likely a slate of local officials that you really ought to read up on. There may also be some very important ballot initiatives and/or amendments to your State Constitution.

I said it last year and I will repeat it this year: ballot initiatives are a good idea that almost always turn out badly.

This year, Washington State has a pair of dueling ballot initiatives — cue the banjos! Both initiatives have as their stated goal to control the cost of medical malpractice insurance. On one hand, we have I-330, supported by some doctors groups: “it caps at $350,000 the amount an injured patient can claim in noneconomic — also known as pain and suffering — damages. It also limits fees for plaintiff attorneys, shortens the time limit for filing malpractice claims and allows health-care providers to require binding arbitration for damage claims.” On the other hand we have I-336, supported by some lawyers: “it revokes medical licenses of doctors who have three malpractice jury verdicts against them in a 10-year period and makes it easier for patients to learn about medical errors. It also creates a state-run supplemental malpractice-insurance fund and requires public hearings on malpractice-insurance-rate increases.” Of course, all this is a summary of probably 20 pages of fine print legalese. For each initiative.

Supporters of I-330 claim that their proposal will improve medical care and access to it, as well as get more money to patients. Detractors say that “voluntary” binding arbitration will be something that doctors require before they will even treat you. Detractors have not pointed out the compete red herring of a cap on non-economic damages. The fact of the matter is that there is already a cap on what malpractice insurance will pay, and that amount is often exceeded by actual real damages when a person has been killed or disabled by true medical malpractice. The only state in which it appears that damage caps have kept down malpractice insurance rates is California, which happens to have a system in place for controlling insurance rates.

Supporters of I-336 claim want to create a “3 strikes” system for doctors and hold “public” hearings on insurance rate increases. Yeah, 3 strikes worked so well for California criminals. I am not against trying to get the “few bad apples” out of the doctoring business, but threatening the entire industry is not the way to do it. And as for hearings on rate increases that nobody will really attend? If you want to mandate regulation of rates, just do it. There is a State Insurance Commissioner, after all. Opponents say that I-336 will create more bureaucracy and put more money in the pockets of trial lawyers.

Allow me to join with several major newspapers and urge you to vote heck no on both I-330 and I-336. While you are at it, vote against all the other voter initiatives. But please, if your local schools and libraries need money, vote to let them have it.

In closing, I bring you these tidbits: On average, 2 American soldiers still die every day in Iraq. Don’t like the 9th Circuit? Hack it up! Fun with Science in the Home! and How a Democrat can get elected.

Dear Ms. Coulter,

I must admit some amusement to your objections to the nomination of Ms. Miers to the Supreme Court. No, really, that line about how she’s not qualified to play a Supreme Court Justice on The West Wing was just hilarious, dear.

But really, I must express some concern that the worst thing you could think of to say about Harriet Miers is that she’s an SMU girl! Putting aside my own status as an SMU Alumna, do you really mean to insult the fine women who have graduated from Southern Methodist University, including the esteemed Mrs. Bush?

I mean really, it’s not like she got her law degree from Fill-In-The-State Wesleyan!

You could have chosen to make fun of her Tammy Faye makeup, or her her long history in the sordid tale of Dallas politics; you could even have pointed out that she would still be working within a half hour of her alma mater if the President hadn’t taken her to Washington D.C.. You could have wondered aloud why she didn’t get her MRS along with her JD, speculating whether or not she might be a closet feminist, albeit with some hypocrisy. You could have focused on the fact that she’d never been a judge of any sort, not even on the SMU Moot Court. Better yet, you could have tried to figure out what the woman actually thinks and stands for. Instead you chose to impugn a fine university that apparently doesn’t meet your discerning standards.

Surely a Cornell grad like yourself can come up with something intellectually rigorous to say against Ms. Miers.
