Yes, We Did

Dear America,

Thanks for doing the right thing.

Grant Park, courtesy of the Telegraph

Picture courtesy of The Telegraph.

Most of you have no idea how huge Grant Park is.  Sure, there are a lot of people here.  But you can’t appreciate how many people there are until you know how freaking huge Grant Park is. How big is it? The whole thing is 319 acres.  And there were people standing outside who couldn’t get inside.  It’s so big that there isn’t an openable window in sniper range, despite the fact that it is sandwiched in between downtown Chicago’s skyscrapers and Lake Michigan.

To think that in addition to this crowd, there were crowds in New York and in Washington and I don’t even know where else.  Just in the United States.  Not counting those in “palaces and parliaments” and “huddled around radios” around the world.  Wow.  What a night.

Thank you, America.

As for California, I’ll deal with you later!

Hugs and kisses,


4 thoughts on “Yes, We Did”

  1. While I do not resent the loss of the race by the candidate of my choice (not McCain and shall remain unnamed,) I am sickened by the maudlin and sappy emoting done by many/most of the Obama supporters. I get that there is real emotion evoked in black Americans’ hearts (I detest the term “African American”) as they have symbolically and vicariously reached the apex of inclusion into overall American society, but I feel that some of the emotion is merely celebrity worshi[ and disingenuous political correctness.
    This also may backfire as Obama is assuming the reins amidst a national calamity and if his decisions are less than perfect the b(l)acklash could be enormous.
    A comment on your previous post: voting a straight ticket has it’s perils too, and voting (or not) for the (wo)man has merit at times. Alaska’s Stevens for example…

  2. My grandfather from Australia, who we haven’t heard from for years, called us to congratulate us. (By the way, I’ve put a link to you over at Swerve Left.)

  3. Jukkou:

    It’s a strategy that only works if you work the system *before* the elections. Straight tickets are not for those who only vote once every couple of years.


    Thanks for the link! I like your work too.

  4. I live in California, and I have to say, I was SHOCKED that prop 8 passed. There was a sense that people may not be for gay marriage, but it was crafted in such a way that there’s no way we would take rights away from people who already have them.

    Then again, I thought Kerry was going to win in ’04, so I no longer trust my instincts.

    I for one am neither black nor PC, and I will say that this is the first election of my life where I feel like I can trust this man, and like he seems to be the real deal.

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