Well, the Post Office has been stimulated

Soon after the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 was passed, I received a notice in the mail from the IRS to let me know this had happened and was great news and I was likely to get a check.

Today I received a notice in the mail from the IRS to let me know that under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, I was entitled to a check, and it should arrive next week.

Next week — according to this notice in the mail from the IRS — I should receive a check in the mail from the IRS under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.

I am unsure how much this check will “stimulate” my personal economic outlook, but the money spent on paper, printing, and postage will probably have a greater effect on the economy than whatever I should do with the expected check. The check that the IRS will send me in the mail.  Under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.

In closing:  the real unemployment rate; how is it we can convict 297 illegal immigrants who worked at one plant and not come up with a single charge against the employer?; the Secret History of Star Wars; the real roots of the food crisis; Good Post on Bad Money; and finally students so busy the school has to add a 20 minute “lunch period”?  How about telling these kids that no, you can’t have 6 academic classes, you have to take a lunch period!  Attention Administrators:  YOU are the GROWN-UPS.  Act like it!

Sometimes I feel like the only sane person in the world.

3 thoughts on “Well, the Post Office has been stimulated”

  1. We’ve gotten all of the same mail from the IRS, under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. Stimulate the economy, kill the trees?

  2. I’m such a weirdo, I would add an extra 20 minutes to the school day each day so the kids could play tag and football.

    (Hope I haven’t double-posted.)

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