Welcome to the New and Improved ShortWoman

Perhaps you noticed a brand new theme here at ShortWoman. The old theme had been in place many years now. It was so old it didn’t support a lot of modern blogging features. Of course any transition has its problems, and I will be working to fix them as I learn there is an issue. As a result, there may be a few hiccups and tweaks over the next several days. Some new things may be implemented; some things that aren’t working might get deleted. Since there have been no real changes to my server, there should be no complete outages.

I’ve also taken the opportunity to clean out the blogroll and do a better job of organizing it. A lot of dead links and things I no longer track are gone, and some new items from my RSS lists have been added. There is room for some additions, so feel free to put a link request into comments. Likewise, if you notice a problem, please let me know about it so it can be solved.

Thank you to all my readers for visiting.

7 thoughts on “Welcome to the New and Improved ShortWoman”

    1. I knew there were some new links I had forgotten! Should be fixed by the time you visit again.

    1. Thanks Amy. E.B. Misfit also let me know, and the link has been taken down. I will double check that it does not still appear.

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