Was it something I said? June Retrospective

It may be hard to believe, but I have been writing here at ShortWoman for 5 years now.  June 25 is my blogiversary!  Each month I hope to bring you some of my favorite items.  Today, we have 5 years of June.

Back in 2003 I defined “investing” as spending money with the reasonable expectation of getting more money in return, and dismantled the argument that school vouchers do anything positive for the middle class.

In 2004 I outlined what real liberals stand for.

For the first time, I said that “any pharmacist who is against dispensing legal, medically indicated prescriptions [such as birth control] should resign. To do less is to follow their morals only when they inconvenience others” in 2005.

In 2006 I discussed a common sense approach to reducing identity theft.

For 2007, we have a lengthy piece on health care, and as a bonus I have some follow-up stuff (ladies! this link is must read!! it could save your life!).

In closing: excerpts from the real live Texas GOP platform; a few things on the FISA cramdown, and no it’s not a done deal so for pity sake contact your Senators!; Real ID master verification hub being built under a no-bid contract; never use credit cards at “tire and retreading shops, massage parlors, bars, billiard halls, and marriage counseling offices”; an economist on home ownership; a different economist on gas prices; Countdown to Crawford; global warming could cause terrorism, now can we fight it?; and finally — because surely it’s the most important question we could ask — What’s On Senator Obama’s iPod?  Nope, we don’t need to know where he stands on issues! It’s much more important to get his opinion on popular music!

One thought on “Was it something I said? June Retrospective”

  1. Hey, happy anniversary. My fourth is coming up on January 29th, that’s if I make it that far. I’m getting fed up with this thankless fucking business, this casting pearls before sleeping swine, this farting in the wind.

    But, hey, anyone with the intestinal fortitude to stick it out for 5 years deserves a round of applause.

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