
Today is Tanabata, a Japanese holiday celebrating a celestial romance. This is the one night of the year that the star-crossed lovers can traverse the Milky Way and be together.

So, let me know if you think Japanfilter needs to be its own topic.

In Closing: maybe it isn’t a good  idea to text message everybody in town if there’s an emergency; world’s oldest Bible now available online; Democratic Senators part of the problem? Remember to email them! Remind them that you vote;  unemployment is up, and hours worked is down; as exciting as what is happening in Iran might be, don’t forget what’s happening (or not happening) in Iraq; and Lynx kittens.

One thought on “Tanabata!”

  1. I guess, with corporate charters and the international scale of business, so went any charitable connection to community. Public service? pshaw… that’s $95,000.00 billable air time they might never use but for which they will annually pay! Yehaw! Billyjo Bob. Just like drilling fer oil.

    and how about that amendment to audit the Fed, as submitted by Rep. Paul?

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