Shorties Destination

We interrupt your October Suprise to bring you this October Suprise: Next week, a battle fleet headed by the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower and a second fleet of support vessels will arrive off the coast of Iran. There may be a second aircraft carrier on the way. How’s that for diplomacy? Sure beats pedophile Congressmen.

Meanwhile, in the next country over…: a new study estimates at least 600,000 Iraqis have died in the war and occupation. It is only fair to point out that President Bush disputes that figure, and 2660 Iraqi civilians are confirmed killed in Baghdad alone last month. Oh, and the United States Army plans to maintain troop levels there until 2010.

Elsewhere in the “Axis of Evil”…: North Korea says sanctions would be an act of war. And somehow or another, McCain blames Clinton for this mess. His rationale for this is that when North Korea did bad things, Clinton “rewarded” them with talks. Now lets see: diplomacy is bad, sanctions via the UN weren’t happening because China would veto them (remember, McCain was one of the guys who supported sending John Bolton to the UN), and if Clinton had done anything military against them he would have been accused of trying to get people to forget about Monica. I hope that was tasty Kool-Aid, Senator.

Axis Roundup: Iraq had no nukes, but we invaded them. Iran has a program through which they hope to develop nukes; a battle fleet is steaming their direction as we speak. North Korea has nukes and is testing them, potentially destabilizing the region; the Administration hopes the UN — ineffectual as our Ambassador to the UN says they are — can do something maybe. I hope you have found this scorecard useful.

If you can’t get enough gay scandal: Here’s a gay activist who is tired of the hypocrisy in the Republican party, and the attitude of “Send your money, cast your votes, and for pity sake stay in the damn closet.” He will be outing two Republicans a day, beginning with low level aides, working his way through elected and appointed officials, and ending — he claims — with “senior” Republican officials. Ed Schultz is hoping he can cut a deal to have this fellow announce his information on the air. Could it be we may finally find out why exactly Gannon-Guckert spent so much time at the White House? Appropriately enough, he begins this grand outing parade today, National Coming Out Day.

And in closing: Lou Dobbs and Barbara Ehrenreich on the War Against the Middle Class. Don’t forget to check out Barbara’s new activist group, United Professionals.

2 thoughts on “Shorties Destination”

  1. Weell I guess cruising the congressional pages’ dormatories is much more convenient than a junket to Cambodia or Thailand.

  2. Sad but true. Maybe more challengers should look into where various Congresscritters stand on Saipan.

    Seriously though, I am tired of people making this into a “gay” issue instead of the pedophile issue, the cover-up issue, the values issue, and the trust issue that it really is.

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