Shorties Creek

Security by obscurity, or maybe it’s just as well that American kids don’t know geography: A man in Washington State was arrested when the 14 year old he was trying to meet for illicit purposes decided she wanted to meet him earlier than planned and ended up flying to Washington DC. There are so many levels of stupidity, I won’t even go into them all.

Lou Dobbs: Let’s stop pretending a 700 mile fence on a 2000 mile border (and no fixes to our other borders) is going to change anything. Choice quote, but do read the whole thing:

American middle-class families are all too often left out of the discussion of immigration reform in Washington. Instead, this country’s special interest groups dominate the debate. Big business associations like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and organized labor unions enjoy the benefits of open borders and hope to keep the status quo: big business, to exploit the cheap labor that is provided by illegal aliens, and labor organizations, to add to their membership rolls.

Between 12 million and 20 million illegal aliens are living in the United States. But as that range suggests, no one — not the Border Patrol, not Immigration and Customs Enforcement, not the FBI or the Department of Homeland Security — has any true idea how many illegal aliens are here. Why not?

I suspect one major reason is the same federal government that refuses to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws is determined not to accurately measure the number of illegal aliens in the country so as to further cover up both the cost of illegal immigration and the necessity of creating a rational public policy.

Dinosaur guts! and the interesting things they tell us about life millions of years ago.

A Missive from the Duhpartment of Research: “Some Gulf Coast Rebuilding May be Unwise. Gee, do you think? Maybe some of the things that were build shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

Bookends on House Prices: The Associated Press says it’s the biggest drop in home prices in 35 years, but Reuters tells us it’s because builders slashed prices. Oh well, at least they aren’t having to promise Detroit style bargains.

Maybe they don’t hate us for our freedoms: A Federal judge has ordered the release of graphic, crime scene films from Abu Gharib. No word on whether anyone who accesses the released footage will then immediately be accused of posessing child pornography.

The enemy of my enemy… oh wait, the friend of my, oh never mind: New Jersey Supreme Court sucessfully puts the Gay Marriage Political Football back in play just 2 weeks before a national election. Way to go. I think. Comments about [liberal] activist judges in 3…2…1…….

Two items about the issues facing America’s working classes: Please read before voting. Alternet presents The Permanent Middle Class (I don’t know, many of them are the “has credit so isn’t quite destitute” class) and someone else who is tired of red/blue and believes voters both want and deserve Answers.

“If I looked well, I wouldn’t be in the hospital!” If you are ever unfortunate enough to be a patient at Los Angeles Metropolitan Medical Center, make sure you don’t seem like you might be homeless. Now they have been caught sending newly released patients to Skid Row, regardless of whether or not they have other places to go.

That’s it. Have a great weekend and don’t forget to read those voter guides to find out where candidates allegedly stand before voting.