Piggy Piggy Piggy

Or, Thoughts on Swine Flu and a Possible Pandemic Thereof.

There is growing concern about a swine flu outbreak in Mexico that has already crossed the border into our country. Dozens of cases in the States and more overseas have been confirmed. Preliminary reports seem to indicate that there may be a higher than typical death rate from this strain (this may be caused by economic factors rather than some greater virulence). Official CDC updates are available via Twitter.

An additional cause for concern is the level of preparedness in this country. Since some sources say we have a shortage of doctors in even the best of times, this could be a really big deal. Of course it doesn’t help that pandemic preparedness funds were opposed by certain Republicans. Oh, and a few Dems. I guess they don’t understand that the rain falls on the good and the bad alike — and more to the point rich people get sick too. 

Oh, and this could adversely impact the economy, too. As if we need more problems. 

The CDC is advising people to take the same normal precautions they would take against colds and flu:  wash your hands; stay home if you are sick; don’t send sick kids to school.

On a happier note, mambo! Oink, Oink!

In closing:  Sorry kid, talk to the King about changing your name to Sonic when you turn 18; and City Shrinkage.