Nothing Better To Do

Congress is currently in a “lame duck” session, trying to finish up a veritable buffet of issues that they should have resolved before the elections. Little things, like the Federal budget — no hurry, the fiscal year only started in October. This happens every year, as if they never see the new budget year coming. Oh, and since we are having record deficits, they are going to have to pass an increase on the deficit cap. Of course, Congress has other things in mind, too. Like that intelligence reform thing that the 9/11 Commission recommended (their report is in the running for an award, you know). Hopefully they can pull this off without a witchhunt. Of course my inner cynic wants to know why, if this could be put off until late November, it couldn’t have been handled in early January when the newly elected congresscritters arrive.

Among the issues they hope to tackle, an issue clearly on a footing with whether or not the expenses of the Federal government get paid, is taking away your fair use rights regarding media you legally own. Currently under consideration is a bill written so poorly or craftily, depending on your bias, that it boggles the mind. In addition to providing a prison term for people who bring video cameras into movie theaters, it would make it illegal to use iTunes music sharing, a feature that allows people to listen to but not copy items on the local network. Under this proposed law, it is legal to fast forward over gory bits of a horror film, but illegal to skip commercials. Will it at least be legal to use the bathroom during the commercial break?

I wonder how that will be enforced.

A wide array of groups are protesting, but your voice is needed as well. Let your Senators know that although you are a registered voter, the RIAA and MPAA are not.

And tell them to finish that darn Federal budget already, skip the pork.