Night of the Living Shorties!

What did he know and when did he know it? Uh, what about her? See something wrong in this picture? No? Ok, how about now? You might recall that August 6, 2001 — the date ascribed to the photo — was the same day that the Presidential Daily Briefing was all about some guy named Bin Laden. What is that in her hand? I’m not sure what to make of Ms. Miers, and neither is anybody else. President Bush is expending some effort to defend his decision. A Democrat I normally have the utmost respect for, Harry Reid, supports her nomination. Is this because he honestly thinks she will be alright, is this because of some back-room deal to keep out a real wing-nut, or is this to poison her nomination? How does that work? Well, the conservative base isn’t happy (everyone else is waiting to see what happens next); by supporting her as a liberal Democrat, he makes them less happy. If the Republican base in the Senate then turns against her, he can defeat her while claiming to be the very face of bipartisan support.

Beep beep, beep beep, his car went beep beep beep. Ford and GM had an absolutely abysmal September, and the fun in Detroit is only starting: by a terrible coincidence GM is having a big board meeting today. It is expected to be ugly. Meanwhile, Joe and Jane Average are “Getting strangled at the pump.”

Search Me. Wired brings to our attention some people you won’t find online, the UnGoogleables. There are plenty of people with legitimate reasons they don’t want to be found online. I sure hope Wired used fake names when they put it online….

Ralph Kramden’s Bowling Team. One last word on Katrina. Ok, make that 25 questions about Katrina.

It’s easier to eat cat food than to figure out the prescription drug benefit…. “Most seniors don’t understand the new prescription-drug program being offered under Medicare and don’t plan to sign up for coverage, even after months of salesmanship by the Bush administration.” Yeah. “The program is projected to cost $720 billion over 10 years, according to the latest calculations by the Bush administration. Some members of Congress have suggested delaying the program’s start to help offset the costs of recovery from hurricanes Katrina and Rita, but the White House has rejected those appeals.” Yeah.

Fannie! Finally, my favorite whipping post, Fannie Mae. I’m not the only one who thinks there might be trouble brewing in the world of real estate, and that Fannie might just be the eye of the storm.