
I have some news to share.

Joe Gandelman has invited me to contribute to The Moderate Voice, a site that I have known and respected for some years. In asking, he wrote that he liked ShortWoman and my writing; he furthermore added “I’m five foot one and I am biased and MUST invite a short woman.” TMV is a huge site with readership that dwarfs mine — no pun intended — and I would be foolish to pass up this opportunity.

I absolutely will continue to post regularly to ShortWoman in addition to some posts (and cross-posts) to TMV, however it seems clear that I will have to step down from my duties at Central Sanity. There are only so many hours in the day.

Many thanks to all my readers for making this possible.

Update: my first TMV post is up! I wrote my thoughts on having participated in the Nevada caucus. Many grateful welcomes to any first time visitors clicking through from The Moderate Voice!