Moment of Clarity

Several news sources are reporting that the White House may be ready to give up the idea of a “public option” for health insurance.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: mandatory insurance without a public option is far worse than what we have today. It would reduce “reform” to “you must pay the profitable companies that got us into this mess whatever they want.” It would be preferable to do nothing and allow the system to collapse on its own.

It is now clear to me why Howard Dean left the leadership of the Democratic* party and did not take any position within the Obama Administration, despite his long list of qualifications when it comes to health insurance and health care. He is wisely distancing himself from this coming shit-storm.

Go make sure your elected officials know how you feel at,, and

* Oops, at first I wrote “Democraptic”. My Freudian slip is showing!

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