Maybe We’re Going About this the Wrong Way

We’ve tried writing our elected officials, calling and emailing them, threatening them with the loss of our votes, giving money to progressive organizations, telling the DNC the way things are when they call on the phone, crashing events, and anything else we could think of. Still, it seems at times that the actual constituents are the last people our Congressmen, Congressmice, and Congresscreeps think about.

Clearly there’s got to be another way to get through their thick skulls.

Maybe the problem is that we’re talking to them in their offices, while they are set for business and wearing suits. Perhaps the key is to catch them when they’re sweating in their workout gear.

It’s no secret that the President likes a good game of hoops, but fewer people know about the Congressional P90X club. It’s a group of almost 30 elected officials — so far! — and a big enough deal that Tony Horton himself has come out to lead workouts with them a couple of times. Most important are the bipartisan relationships they are making in the gym: it’s “an opportunity to build relationships that go beyond grabbing a glass of recovery drink together.” More:

And how does trainer Horton feel, knowing that his program’s not just building bodies but building the relationships that guide the fate of the nation?

“I have goose bumps,” he says. “That question gave me goose bumps.”

I can just hear Tony saying that too.

Excuse me, gentlemen, did you remember to log that workout into WOWY for your chance to win up to $1000?

In Closing: 20 worst kids foods; can you afford to stay home when you are sick?; 7 more bank failures yesterday brings us to 106 and counting for the year; Yakuza; and unusual clouds.

One thought on “Maybe We’re Going About this the Wrong Way”

  1. Regrettably, I must close this post to comments. It’s already gotten over 200 spam comments. If you really have something to say about it, ping me directly or add it to the comment thread on the next post.

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