Long Hair of Shorties

Word to the new source of titles: If you love horror movies as much as I don’t, you will want to bookmark Doomed Moviethon.

Succinct Scientific Analysis: from Fafblog on Global Warming.

But it’s just a little airport in a big city: Chicago is going to privatize Midway Airport. Midway is, well, Chicago’s Love Field, with slightly smaller buildings surrounding it.

Have you bothered to register to vote? Well how about you BotherVoting too. Nobody says you have to vote for one of the major candidates. You can register your distaste for all of the above, if you so choose, by selecting an obscure candidate or even writing in a favorite cartoon character.

USA Today asks the same question many of us have wondered: Does the Border Patrol single out people who are brown or look “ethnic”?

Evolved: Scientists now think that HIV has been around for about 100 years, quickly and quietly mutating. Yeah, that’s what we call evolution when it happens to germs.

Kudos to everyone who commented: the HHS has had to (temporarily, I fear) back down on new guidelines that would let medical professionals decide not to allow certain medications for women on the grounds that it might cause an abortion in someone who was not yet pregnant.

Overweight people eat differently: Ok, sounds like a missive from the Duhpartment of Research. It turns out that overweight people and normal weight people have very different behaviors at a Chinese Buffet.

I’ve been asked to link: Army of Women is an organization for the prevention and cure of breast cancer.

Strangest story you will read all day, I promise: In Britain, “A road rage driver was burned to death after ramming another vehicle and setting her own car on fire by furiously revving her engine….” Be sure you scroll down to the pictures of the “ladies” involved.

It’s a little late to debunk Dan Quayle: I know, I’m on about the wrong Veep Debates, but do you remember when Danny talked about all the jobs that would evaporate if the proposals in Al Gore’s book were implemented? Well a new study says that renewable energy could create millions of jobs.

Oh, Okay, a few words about the current Veep Debate: Courtesy of Defective Yeti.

Stop using code-words: Conservatives want to argue that all our current foreclosure problems are due to a 1977 law (talk about your time delay) that “forced” banks to lend to “unqualified minorities.” For pity sake, if they came out and said “it’s the fault of black people” — which is what they are thinking — they would be laughed back to 1863. Don’t let them wink-and-nudge us into some kind of Jim Crow America.

Things are tough all over: I guess you’ve probably heard that jobless claims are the highest they’ve been since just after 9/11. Did you also hear that entrepreneurs are struggling? Did you know that many “entrepreneurs” are nothing more than people who couldn’t get a job and so they started working for themselves? And to top it all off, are you aware that the day after voting for a huge financial rescue bill, he said that same bill was “putting us on the brink of economic disaster”?

Not Trivia, or at least Not Trivial: Did you know that one in every 6 Americans has a criminal record?

That’s it for now. Have a great Friday.