Kos Gets It, McCain Not So Much

It seems just yesterday I called myself a “the-center-is-progressive lady”. Oh wait, that was yesterday! Today the Daily Kos has an item called The “Far Left” is the Mainstream. They give us the figures that show “Most” Americans oppose the Iraq war, support stem cell research, and think we should raise the minimum wage. Most Americans even support abortion rights, at least in part. That is what makes it so puzzling when politicians pander to the rather conservative point on the spectrum that they mistakenly think is the moderate center. Of course, if anyone was paying attention, the late Molly Ivins said the same thing back in 2006.

Welcome to reality, Kos-ites and Kos-acks. Enjoy the view.

Meanwhile, many thanks to Norman Goldman, filling in on the Ed Schultz Show for breaking a story on McCain’s really awful sense of “humor”. Apparently the man, who has been on the record calling his wife a certain impolite sexist term, really did tell this joke:

Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, ‘Where is that marvelous ape?’

Yeah, cause being beaten, raped, and left to die is so effing funny.

In closing: more reasons Mandatory Health Insurance won’t work, as “Individual health policies leave many in the lurch” and “Deep flaws found in U.S. Health Care” (yet one more place that politicians are pandering to a far right “center”); and welcoming Michelle Obama to BlogHer.