In which the War on Drugs is out of control

I first learned yesterday of a police raid gone wrong.

Busting down the door when the warrant doesn’t specify no-knock? Bad.

Shooting the dogs as they ran away, then leaving them to bleed to death while you interrogate the homeowner? Worse.

Refusing to believe that the homeowner is in fact the Mayor as you force him to kneel on the floor handcuffed in his boxer shorts for hours? Worse still!

But wait! there’s more!

The unopened package containing the drugs giving the cops the “grounds” for the warrant was delivered by the cops! That’s the worst.

There is clearly more to this story, and more keeps dribbling out every day. But as things stand, this stinks.

Yes, one of many reasons we need a Fourth Amendment. You know what we also need? A law that says cops are responsible for the damage they do if it turns out they don’t find what they are looking for. All of a sudden, I think cops will be a lot more careful about busting down doors and shooting dogs.

Cross-posted at TMV.

In closing: Obama is more experienced than 3 of the 4 guys on Mt. Rushmore, and it turns out he’s not afraid to Pledge Allegiance To The Flag; Alternet’s got it wrong, immigrant raids must not stop but they must jail the bosses instead of the workers; and two new sites, War or Car and If You See Something (from the guy who brought you Alien Loves Predator).

One thought on “In which the War on Drugs is out of control”

  1. Another statistic of note (and I can only report as hear say) is that the projected cost of this war for the next two years would be sufficient to rebuild the crumbling U.S. highway system

    Keep dogging the good-guys-gone-wild shorty!

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