In the immortal words of David Byrne,

“Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.”

Ok, now think about this for a couple minutes. Exhibit one, Joe and Jane Average support the idea of a minimum wage increase, protecting the environment, getting the heck out of Iraq, repealing the Bush tax cuts, and a host of other “liberal” ideas. In fact, Joe and Jane and the majority of their neighbors support such “liberal” ideas.

Exhibit two, “Purple America,” the idea that America is far more Democratic leaning and liberal than the pundits would have us all beleive. This author focuses on the South, but I think far more interesting is the bright blue of the Dakotas and Upper Midwest.

And exhibit three, the fact that so many elections went to the Democratic Party in light of what was expected to be massive voter fraud ranging from selective purges of voting rolls to voting machine irregularities. In fact, it turned out better than most Democratic strategists honestly thought it would. Now, some of those races were real squeakers, but the Dems won. And the President was seeming downright contrite on Wednesday the 8th. Could that be because — without the fraud — the Dems would have had a genuine landslide? We will of course never know.

So the Democratic Party has a genuine mandate from the people. Not one of those faux mandates President Bush claimed back in 2004.

So if that is the case, why are we hearing stuff from the Sunday talk shows about how there are no liberal plans for the next Congress? If you want to read the comments in context, here they are over at Fox News (yeah yeah I hate to link to them but they are the source). Other sources note that the Democratic faction in Congress is “cautiously moving forward on some issues.”

Our esteemed Congressmen are saying things like:

Well, I think what we really need to do is understand, Democrats like winning elections. We want to win elections, and we’re going to do our best to do so. This doesn’t mean to get into any extreme positions on any matter. We’ll do what makes good sense on Iraq, what makes good sense on tax policy, what makes good sense on the environment and on energy, and we’ll come up with a package that the people will like and that will make good sense in the middle.

Guess what, the Republicans never wanted to meet you in the middle on anything. And “a package that the people will like” is going to be far, far further to the left than your corporate sponsors will allow. Live with it.

Look, nobody expected the Democrats to get really radical. Particularly since they have to get some Republicans on board to make legislation veto-proof. But the least they could do is “the people’s work.” I will agree with Mr. Frank that a minimum wage increase is a good first step (how about instead of a dollar amount, we index that sucker to the poverty line? [Poverty for a family of 4] divided by [52 weeks X 40 hours] = minimum wage]? That way the thing moves every year withoug you guys having to wage any floorfights.)

But for pity sake don’t stop there! And don’t expect anybody to meet you halfway. Do the right thing whenever it is clear there is a right thing to do, and to hell with anybody who would do otherwise. There is a smorgasbord of issues that you can act on the people’s will instead of big money’s will; don’t be afraid to act on them.

The Center is not where you think it is.

In closing: Americans, danger, and risk assessment; the drug crisis that adults make for their kids; and an awesome post from another blog I just discovered. I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving and are happily preparing for the Midwinter Holidays.

From Snowy Seattle, Peace and Good Wishes and Happy Thoughts.