I Know What You Did Last Shorties

Follow up: those painters got their jobs back.

Healthcare Filter: someone else’s thoughts on the Massachusetts “Health Plan”; and Wal-Mart wants to help fix the American health system?? Tell me you aren’t in your mind paraphrasing Reagan: “I’m from Wal-Mart, and I’m here to help.”

Problem: jobs are being outsourced wherever possible. Solution: “Services Science. “The hybrid field seeks to use technology, management, mathematics and engineering expertise to improve the performance of service businesses like transportation, retailing and health care – as well as service functions like marketing, design or customer service that are also crucial in manufacturing industries.” It sure sounds like finding better ways to ask if you’d like fries with that. In truth, it encompasses much more: there are ways to get more money out of customers in a variety of fields.

Disasters near and far: why did San Fransisco survive the great earthquake, while New Orleans looks doomed?

And Finally: your culture impacts your sex life.

2 thoughts on “I Know What You Did Last Shorties”

  1. Most annoying that spam… funny how business and acedemia come up with grand names for what used to be called “applying common sense.” ‘course now that application is done (more quickly?) by software…

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