Follow-up Friday is running a little late….

This New York Times commentary points out that Gonzales can (and should) be impeached. In fact, just lying to Congress is an impeachable offense, which makes me wonder about the Sixteen Words.

A Senate committee wants to pass a law imposing penalties for data breaches. How ironic, since the TSA just had a data breach. I wonder if this law will apply to them?

It turns out that the talks Ms. Rice was supposed to have with the Iranians wasn’t actually planned after all: “There was no time, no appointment and no plans.” That’s ok, she has problems to deal with at home.

Clearly it’s all about women? The Other Clinton wants to revoke the President’s authority to bomb the heck out of the Middle East. Pelosi says he just doesn’t listen. Laura is making him wear a white tie, but that’s something else altogether. And would you believe that someone went to the trouble of building a girls’ school as a giant bomb without anybody noticing? “Hey Abdul, what’s with the funny looking rebar?” “Shut up and mix the concrete, Mohammed!”

And in closing, The shoe’s on the other foot now: actual Clinton-era quotes from Republicans.

One thought on “Follow-up Friday is running a little late….”

  1. ah the shoes have been stolen from our feet; each party plays foil to the other in an elaborate charade that serves only to keep career politicians in office and well fed, so they can utilize the force of nation for the pursuit of the interests of giant corporations.
    yameru koto ni shimashita

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