Don’t Go Into the Shorties

It’s getting hot in here, so turn off all your stoves…. Cool recipe links for hot days.

Guess who’s not going to Eastern Illinois University? Some unnamed applicant sent an application packet that resulted in the bomb squad coming to campus. A spokesperson said “There was no return address, it was poorly written, poorly addressed to the university, there were misspellings… There was some tape over it. Just the overall appearance was rather strange.” No return address and “strange” appearance can be forgiven, but I would think that the misspellings and poor writing hurt his or her chances of admission. I wonder if this person was applying for the upcoming fall semester.

But if we go back to the way things were, we will have to allow cute puppy dogs equal airtime with the Nazi Party, and you don’t want that, do you?? No no no I don’t think so. Here’s perhaps the smartest thing you will read this week about the Fairness Doctrine.

I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. That is, unless you are a librarian. Or have an appointment with your gynecologist. Or want to take a picture of a building while standing on a public sidewalk. Or want to exercise your First Amendment rights to free speech and freedom of assembly.

Do not buy flip flops at Wal-Mart without reading this! And after you read it, you probably won’t want to. Ouch.

Common Sense vs Fear Mongering. Succinct, down to earth, plain language talk about universal health.

When Bruce Schneier says you have to read something about airplane security, you know it’s going to be good. And so I humbly send you to see A Pilot on Airline Security.

What a coincidence! So am I! House Democrats are divided on Farm Subsidies bill. The original purpose of farm subsidies was to keep prices stable and encourage farmers as a group to grow a diverse assortment of crops. But now, subsidies are used as a stick with which big agriculture beats the snot out of the “small family farms” which by and large barely exist anymore. That, and the WTO and EU are insisting that the whole system be scrapped, because it is not fair for the world to compete with our subsidized crops. Something has to change, but what?

We have switched their regular Daily Kos with Gonzales Crystals. Let’s see if they notice…. Yes, today’s Daily Kos is Gonzo-vision! They’re all gonzo gonzo gonzo about Gonzo! And they are joining the merry band that is calling for his impeachment or resignation, a band I’ve been a member of since January! Oh look, and here’s Digby! And… what’s this?? Fox News even says he should resign?? Well now they are a bit more conservative than the HuffPo, aren’t they? I still think it’s hilarious that Gonzales wants to “fix” the problems in the DOJ, despite the fact that he caused them. Just a little reminder, the Senate gets to confirm nominees for things like Attorney General; if Mr. Gonzales is out — for whatever reason — his replacement has to be palatable to enough Democrats to get a majority vote. Oh, and confirming a nominee might have to wait until this whole contempt thing is settled if Harry Reid is smart.

Last but not least, No More Echo Chamber. Dave Johnson at Seeing the Forest does it again. He has pointed out that we, the Progressives and Centrists, have to get out there and make our opinions heard to people who don’t necessarily agree with us. So get your logic in order and get the word out to Joe Average.

One thought on “Don’t Go Into the Shorties”

  1. but gosh, those Chinese goods are so CHEAP… what’s a few scabs when you can save a nickel?

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