Diary of the Shorties

Senate Traitors need to watch their backs: Here’s a handy pocket reference from Defective Yeti.

On Manufacturing: a lengthy piece from the EPI, and another one from the CSM.

About Freaking Time: The House of Representatives has voted on contempt charges for two Bush Administration officials who have demonstrated contempt for the Constitution and the House of Representatives.

Ever wondered what it would take to shock Henry Kissinger? Apparently it takes an offer of thousands, no wait make that millions of Chinese women. Now we know.

Apparently the “Two Americas” theme is extensible: Here we see that there are “two Americas” in the housing market too. Does Mr. Edwards get a cut for his intellectual property?

This should scare the snot out of you: The BondDad lays out for you why a credit crunch isn’t just bad, but downright disastrous for our economy. Oh, and the Feds overruled State laws that would have cut down on the predatory lending problem.  And what if the new stimulus bill actually caused hyperinflation?

Slow and Steady: CNN brings us yet another diet success story.

“Huh, judging from the outcry maybe this wasn’t such a good idea”: Blue Cross decides maybe getting doctors to snitch on their patients and then dumping patients who actually needed medical care was unwise.

Keep shouting about Socialized Medicine and somehow it loses its punch: Couldn’t have anything to do with that Blue Cross debacle. People who survive cancer only to outlive their health insurance coverage. Or the increasing number of baby boomers who are looking at the Medicare they will be getting in a couple years and thinking it’s better than what they have now. But socialized medicine isn’t as scary sounding as it used to be. Here’s some more reading.

The Straight Poop on the Snoops: The ArchCrone tells you everything you need to know about the current FISA situation. Don’t blink, it could change any time now.

Well at this rate we will at least go broke a little slower: It seems that in 2007, the trade deficit shrank for the first time since 2001.  We still import more things than we export, and export more money than we import.

Just how big a problem does Countrywide have: Over 7 out of every 100 mortgages they have is overdue.

Keep repeating, “The Saudis Are Our Friends”: particularly when they use the threat of terror attacks for extortion to prevent investigation of certain arms deals.

I worry that this will result in normal people being forcibly institutionalized: The NIU gunman was insane.  He stopped taking the medication that made him functional, drove over 100 miles to a different college town to (legally!) buy his guns, and made a second trip to pick them up after the mandatory waiting period before doing what he did.  Insane people don’t see the world the way you and I do. Sad but true.  But how do you make somebody take the medications that make them “not insane”? And — unless you can prove they are a danger to others — is it ethical to do so?  I don’t pretend to know the answers;  nevertheless my thoughts for peace go to the families effected by this tragedy.

And Finally: MTV has officially been running pretty much anything but “Music Television” for 18 years.

Have a great weekend, folks.