Attack of the Killer Shorties

The Better Late Than Never edition on some items.

Europe’s not so bad after all. It turns out you can afford socialized medicine and a vibrant economy after all.

Delicious Pickled Red Herring. Two things bother me about this AMERICAblog post concerning the “bad judgement” of the various Wall Street firms that stood to make a lot of money had Mr. Bush actually gotten his Social Security Privatization plan rammed through. The poster points out that a bevy of such firms have pre-announced bad earnings numbers and written off a lot of bad debt. The thing is that all these firms are trying to “get out in front of the numbers,” that is, get all the bad news out so that there will be no unpleasant surprises. In one case, a bank is writing off any debts more than 3 days overdue. Now I don’t know about yours, but my mortgage payment coupon says I have a 15 day grace period; these banks are making their numbers deliberately bad so that it will appear that they have a miraculous comeback next quarter! Of course this still doesn’t address the biggest problem with Social Security Privatization: you can’t solve “not enough money” by having less money.

Take your anti-contraception propaganda and shove it! Contrary to what some activists would like us all to believe, “The Pill” doesn’t cause cancer; it may prevent cancer.

The Math is a Harsh Mistress. Somebody figured out that a lot more jobs were created in Mr. Clinton’s administration — after a tax increase — that Mr. Bush’s administration. Even if we want to cut Mr. Bush some slack and not count those pesky jobs lost during the last recession and start counting at August of 2003, that’s 4 years and one month ago. Jobs needed per month (150,000) times months (49) is 7.35 million. That’s somewhat more than 5.8 million. In other job creation data, I am not the only person noting that the only real areas of job growth are in three rather narrow service fields. But something I should have wondered and did not: “If these three sectors contributing all of net job growth over the last three months were to be an indication of a healthy economy, then the source of the funds ultimately used to pay the salaries of all these new workers would be an important question to ask. Just where does all the money come from?”

Because just what everyone needs is another bank account. Hillary wants us all to have access to “401(k)-style retirement accounts for all Americans and provide federal matching money to middle-income people who save at least $1,000.” Excuse me, is there some reason we can’t raise the contribution limits on IRA accounts to achieve the same goal? Why can’t the dollar-matching happen with accounts many Americans already have? Time to stop reinventing the wheel, people!

Speaking of politics…. Some states don’t have primaries. They have caucuses. They’re a little more intimidating to Joe and Jane Average, but really, if your state has a caucus, you should go participate.

Fashion Controversy. Just where did the traditional Japanese “sailor” styled schoolgirl uniforms come from originally?

The Real Intellectual Heir of Ronald Reagan. George W. Bush. Oh, and bonus Krugman thoughts on the side.

Concentric Waves. The ripple-effect from America’s credit crunch is perhaps just beginning.

History is re-written by the survivors. I’ve said for a long time that “eating fat makes you fat” is a “you are what you eat” taken to it’s most ludicrous conclusion. Well, it turns out there never was any real evidence that dietary fat causes heart disease either.

You Tell ‘Em! Bravo to Mr. Nadler for speaking common sense when everyone else wants to look “tough” on terror.

Potato, potahto potato. Last week Mr. Bush said that we don’t torture people; this week Mr. Carter said that um, yes you do.

Where is that crazy elf when you need him? There’s good money in dentistry. Such a shame so many people are choosing to do without it.

The Last Thing in the Circus. Every time we have yet another scandal involving a secretly gay conservative and/or Republican figure, I wonder if we will ever know how and why a gay male prostitute had extensive access to the White House.

3 thoughts on “Attack of the Killer Shorties”

  1. The “Greatest Generation” ( aside: who raised a generation of self-serving dolts) is now spending their children’s inheritance. Downsizing to three thousand square foot houses, and splurging, just a little. Once that wealth is redistributed the gravy train will slow. A stage set by these same folk for their progeny.

  2. Re: Japanese sailor collar unis: The middy blouse/shirt was very popular among female students in North America post WWI. Toronto’s Bishop Strachan School adopted it as part of its school uniform at that time and they use it to this day.

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