Astute Commentary Day

If I had time to write a half dozen commentaries today, I might, because there are a lot of important things going on. Luckily, there are a number of very excellent things to read by other people. Allow me to point out a few particularly good must-read items.

The New York Times offers this particularly good commentary on why the exchange rate — the price of dollars — is important to you. The important bits begin in the third paragraph. Need a little perspective on this? Try these items.

Didn’t catch the President on “Meet the Press” this morning? Here’s the transcript. Here’s somebody ripping it apart point by point. It’s worth reading the whole thing. If you haven’t had enough, this one is by former Speaker of the House Jim Wright.

From the “But that isn’t the important thing” important, we have this brilliant skewering of Federal investigatory priorities. In short, “Investigate Janet Jackson’s nipple? Do we have our priorities straight?” Maybe you’ll like this commentary better.

From Iraq, there is this item: the Japanese have arrived.

And finally, perhaps these two items are related. Now don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place to discuss religion. Thirty-thousand feet straight up somewhere between LA and NYC trapped in a thin metal tube going 500 miles per hour is not the right place. Unless maybe it’s crashing.

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