A Couple Quick Follow-Ups

Remember Dipak Desai? Prosecutors want to bring criminal charges. [Update: 28 charges brought, including racketeering] What will this do to the drug companies’ appeal? I am no lawyer, but it seems to me that if what happened was a criminal act, then this is no different than suing Smith and Wesson over a handgun death. Except of course for the fact that the drugs weren’t the problem.

Just yesterday we were talking about the jobs report (no, not the Apple Computer kind of Jobs). Today the federal government released it’s own version of the report. It was, well, uninspiring. Ok, no, really it sucks, and so says an actual economist. Sure, 431,000 jobs were created, but 95% of them were temp positions with the Census. That leaves only 41,000 jobs that are likely to be around at Christmas, and for a change it’s a more pessimistic number than ADP reported.