5 Things Happening that are More Important than Cliven Bundy




Ok, the Bundy thing is still going on, and I do appreciate that it’s a local news story with national coverage. Not sure why anybody cares who says what about him on Facebook. However, while all of us are watching the circus, here’s 5 things we’re not paying attention to:

The President is in the Far East trying to get the TPP rammed through. Never mind the fact that it’s bad for most people.

Did you know that Afghanistan had a presidential election? Abdullah Abdullah faces a run-off, but he may well be the next Afghan head of state.

Iraq is having an election too. It’s this coming week. They also have some unrest ahead of the event.

Issues are not resolved in the Ukraine. Yeah.

Meanwhile in the United States, severe weather blows. Yeah, ok, bad pun.

And a bonusThe FCC wants to “save” Net Neutrality by destroying it.

All this and two new Saints in the realm of Catholicism. Even elections in far-flung lands probably have more bearing on you than the actions of one Southern Nevada rancher. But no, we prefer to hear about some guy who wants to let his cows wander his neighbor’s property without paying for the privilege.

One thought on “5 Things Happening that are More Important than Cliven Bundy”

  1. Yeah, SW, we can sense your contempt for the scoff-law Bundy; but I think the real reason for the amount of interest in this event isn’t so much Bundy, as much as it is reaction to para-military exercises in the name of tax collection.

    And spending dollars waaay in excess of the amount in arrears is non-nonsensical at best, and malfeasance certainly.

    Pointing guns at citizens has become a first choice for some gov’t agencies, meanwhile drug runners and human smugglers get carte blanche on our southern borders. WTFIUWT?

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