Your Other Right

Did you ever think Arlen Specter would be “not conservative enough”?

It is symptomatic of how very far to the right the NeoCons are that Specter — and for that matter John McCain — seem moderate.

It seems that Senator Specter faces a tough primary battle for his own Senate seat. Although he officially has the White House nod, the fact of the matter is that if he truly had White House backing — and by extension the support of the Republican Party — there would be no primary. His nomination would be all sewn up. Instead, he is a mere 9 points ahead of his also-Republican competition in the polls, and must spend millions of dollars of campaign money just to be allowed to play in the November elections. Conservative mouthpiece Fox News points out his so-called liberal streak.

You know, this could have something to do with his statements yesterday that there was “a lot of blame to go around” for allowing 9/11 to happen. And yes, he did say it was preventable.

I have two recommended news items today. First, from CNN. Scroll down towards the heading “Jobs ‘Not Happening'”:

Michigan’s tour representative, Laura Tropea, 26, moved home after graduating from law school in New York in June and failing to find a job. She lives with her mother in South Lyon while working at a deli part-time, earning $8 an hour despite having passed the Michigan bar exam.

For the record, since she did not lose a full time job, she was never counted as unemployed. And if she loses this part time job, she will still not be counted as unemployed. Never mind that she is a licensed attorney who is making sandwiches for a so-called living. Never mind that she did the right thing and got a good education.

Finally, Robert Marcin of tells us how the price of everything seems to be going up while the official inflation rate does not. It’s alright to be angry when you are done reading.