Tag: Sesame Street
Save a Life or Two
One donation of whole blood gets processed into both packed red blood cells (RBCs) and plasma, often also other important blood products as well. An hour of your time may mean a lifetime to somebody else.
In Closing: sex sells, but more slowly; construction revolution; the freaking TPP has been signed but not ratified (still time to call your Congressmice); Sesame Ventures?; Bleeping New Yorkers freaking out over the bleeping crane falling into the bleeping street; Hillary wants to help; Kitty!
Pride and Prejudice and Shorties
My tabs are getting out of hand. Apologies for the sparse postings. Studying is seriously impeding my ability to goof off!
On the GOP: Be Afraid! And a few words on poverty.
On why making the No Fly List also a No Gun List is really a bad idea: It’s absurdly easy to be put on the list, even if you aren’t even in preschool yet. There’s no due process to get off it. And exactly how many mass shootings have been committed by people who were already on the list? Judging from media coverage, I’d say that number must be very close to zero.
Dumbing Down: Even Sesame Street is dumbing down America and making us feel less safe.
What you should really be afraid of: Unexpected expenses: 63% of us are in deep financial doodoo if the transmission dies, the water heater springs a leak, or some other $500 expense pops up.
Another unfortunately rational fear: Death by law enforcement.
Close with something cheerful: Vegas and Sledge Hammer!
Music Monday: Fun in the Sun
Bad: let’s start off with a few choice items on the TPP, including the full text… HA! Made you look!
And she can sing: Ariana tells it how she sees it.
Frozen 2: Now that’s not exactly a Disney Princess.
Don’t think I’ve forgotten about Spying On Americans: NSA isn’t going away, just going quiet.
Inequality: The media has us pointing fingers at one another about race, and we’re overlooking economics.
The Accidental Experiment: UHF and Sesame Street.
And finally: Tigers on surfboards.
Music Monday: Oooh Shiny
In Closing: a few words on the disconnect between the economy as you know it and the economy as some others know it; banned in Vegas; a few words on the elections and what it means going forward (thanks, Doctor); walk in, walk out; she’s not pink, but she’s still blonde; showing up is important; regrettably true.
Harvest Time is Upon Us!
And apparently, nothing says “autumn” to my local store than pumpkins and lots of boxed wine!
Or perhaps you’d prefer the hard stuff?
Drink that much Jack, and you’ll need the tombstone!
As the nice lady sang, “Cheers to the freakin weekend! I’ll drink to that.”
In Closing: personality test; Carlin; what could possibly go wrong?; Dave on taxes; die with a t on the end; “Armory? Armory? School districts have armories? Hell, we don’t have enough money for textbooks but we have armories?”; Russian Space Sex Geckos!; Uh, “number 2” is actually #4 by my reckoning (nobody would have recognized 6); not good; and you have got to watch this — a splash mob!
Music Monday: Someday Catchy Tune Warfare will be Banned
Ladies and Gentlemen and Muppets of all ages, Will.i.am.
OK, Maybe CNN wasn’t terribly subtle when they said “Washington could take down a mega-bank” and then immediately below showed a row of Bank of America ATMs. And don’t get me wrong, everything I have read about B of A lately indicates that they are skating on thin ice.
But don’t lose track of the prize. Fannie Mae just was forced to buy bought $500,000,000 in crappy loans from B of A — despite having plenty of foreclosures and pre-foreclosures of their own — in what Fortune calls a “back-door TARP.”
Gee, this couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the motivation behind a proposed program to help get rid of Fannie, Freddie, and HUD’s foreclosed properties, now could it? By the way, the headline is just a tweak misleading. They aren’t talking about slapping a “For Rent” sign in the lawns of these houses; they are talking about finding some sucker investor to buy them in bulk (that means with limited ability to pick and choose) under the condition of renting them out. Never mind that these homes are in conditions that vary from pristine to bulldozer-ready. Never mind that investors are already cherry-picking the best of them. Never mind that Fannie, Freddie, and HUD all have systems in place to favor owner-occupants when selling foreclosed properties.
Not gonna work.
In closing: I hope he’s still open for civil damages; She-Ra; Clavell did this as a novel, but with helicopters; If I Had $1000 Dollars; it hasn’t worked yet so let’s keep doing it; S&P and 63% of Americans agree about one thing; I know things are bad when Ron Paul starts to make sense; check your LinkedIn prefs; and Bert and Ernie are puppets, they have no sexual orientation.
The Shorties Exorcism
Where Have You Been?: Playing Black Ops. CODBO or BLOPS if you prefer. No zombies.
Daddy Says So, and That’s That!: Jeb is not running for President in 2012. Even though Daddy admits that “he’s a good man, he performed as governor, he’s well-spoken, he’s not an extremist, he’s not a wild guy that attributes bad motives to those that disagree with him, and he’s good. And people that know him and hear him say the same thing.” In other words, all the stuff Dubya isn’t.
Totally Silly Acronym: It turns out that TSA screeners don’t like to touch your junk either. Mostly. But even though nobody finds the current system acceptable, the Boss says it’s not changing. Now, one thing that surprised me being trapped at an unexpected layover in Tucson is that the color-coded alerts are still in effect (“orange,” if you were wondering). Well, maybe not for long. Oh, and Ms. Napolitano thinks that nudie scanners should be installed for other mass transit as well! Way to kill any hope of relieving traffic congestion! The idea is that “terrorists are looking for vulnerabilities.” Then I got news for you, the mall is the next target. It’s soft, it’s easy to get in and out, and it’s full of people who aren’t thinking of security beyond “where’s my wallet”.
“What About My Options?”: Sharron Angle thinks she has political options. My neighbors think otherwise:
Lying With Statistics: Oh No! The Regulations!! They’re choking small businesses! Ok maybe not.
Ded body, snding pix: 911 may get upgrades allowing them to receive text messages and even video of emergencies in progress.
Meditation for Healthy Cells: Could be!
The Truth: Just Do It.
Think beyond the Infomercial: Tony Horton is.
Live From Sesame Street, It’s Saturday Night!:
That’s all folks. Happy Thanksgiving.