Make merry while ye may, for tomorrow comes judgement!
Vegas is a city of mixed messages. That’s ok.
Hope everyone had a safe Halloween. Happy All Saints Day.
Dave Johnson Telling the Truth: on the economy; on secret trade deals.
Enough to drive you crazy: Meat is bad for you, unless it isn’t; calories are the only thing that matter, but what the study says depends on who is reporting. The researchers concluded “When compared with dietary interventions of similar intensity, evidence from RCTs does not support low-fat diets over other dietary interventions for long-term weight loss.”
Unlikely source: The Economist isn’t where you would expect to find a report on a new canid species.
All Asking For It: On average, police in America killed 3 people every day of October. ThinkProgress has some highlights of police brutality.
Damned Liberal Media: with their facts and bias.
Pretty In Pink: Even the editors of the Las Vegas Sun noticed the pinkwashing of girls Halloween costumes and toys, publishing this NYT article.
TIL: Some cultures have a “Toilet God.”
Gilligan!: 22 shipwrecks found off the archipelago of Fourni.
See everyone tomorrow for some Music Monday!
While looking for some other stats, I learned that almost half of religious Las Vegas residents are Catholic! For contrast around Passover, I present a very, very Protestant preacher doing something very, very unorthodox.
Today’s question:
Hippocrates famously said: “Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least to do no harm.” Add one more important habit to his list.
Never mind that he didn’t actually say any such thing….
But as long as doing helpful things and refraining from doing harmful things is the topic, let’s go back to another ancient source, a fellow named Siddhartha Gautama. He taught that we would be happier if we followed eight habits, including seeing the world as it really is, paying attention why we want things, saying the right things (not saying bad things), doing the right things (again, not doing bad things), having a job that is good for the community or mankind (yeah, maybe “assassin” isn’t a proper career path), putting a good effort into all we do, being aware, and focusing on things where appropriate.
You don’t have to believe everything he said to think those are good ideas.
In Closing: keep looking up; a research problem; unfortunately I doubt they mean it; finally somebody thought about it (at least a little); Dayton; civil rights; words.
Congrats to Jon Keeyes and Nightmare Box on its multiple nominations in the Winter 2015 Macabre Faire Film Festival.
Serial: High school students may be more, er, connected than they thought. And not in a good way.
The ugly truth: The NYPD work stoppage is showing how little what they do impacts public safety.
Economic Noble Truths: Who knew that Buddhism and economics had anything in common?
Fly Like an Eagle: To Lake Mead.
I’ve only been saying this since 1991: Colleges have no business whatsoever prosecuting crimes.
Pattern of Misconduct: Ferguson isn’t the first time that prosecutor presented a misleading case against a cop.
Republicans and Social Security: interesting.
And Finally: The Big Fat Book of Offensive Religious Cartoons.
See everybody tomorrow!
Ok, so the Supreme Court came out with an extremely narrow ruling regarding whether closely held private corporations can refuse to provide contraceptive coverage for employees. So yeah, even if I were a crafty type of person — which [Deity] knows I’m not — I won’t be going into that hobby store with the rhyming name. Except maybe to loudly announce “Oh wait! This is that place where the employees aren’t allowed to have birth control!”* and walk out.
* Ok yeah, an exaggeration I know.
In Closing: Wow; truth; veggies; workers; Oz; sneeze; military; and infrastructure.
Enjoy some pre-SOTU appetizers.
Keeping an eye on us all: So, here’s the latest links on the NSA, privacy, spying, Snowden, the legality of anything the NSA is up to, and related issues. This just keeps getting messier.
No, the fact that it’s cold outside does not prove that global warming is a hoax: seriously, people.
Check the weather anyway, I think hell froze over: Ben Stein veers away from the party line and says that if the national debt is a problem, higher taxes is the answer.
Stuck in [what’s left of] the middle: on income inequality, the middle class, and related issues.
Afghanistan: I guess there will be no true peace unless everyone agrees to it.
Uh, what?: Some public school in Louisiana thinks that they are a Christian school, apparently. And the sad part is that they will “blame” the non-Christian family for making them teach in accordance with the First Amendment and the Law.
More relevant than he thinks: Religious extremism is dangerous, no matter what the religion is. See also, last two paragraphs.
Same as it ever was: Americans are not happy with their government. However, don’t expect anybody to “vote the bums out” anytime soon.
What, you want accurate facts too??: Rand Paul.
Anti-Abortion and Pro-Life are different things: Amen to that.
Why?: Why, exactly, was personal information about 74,000 on a laptop computer for any reason?
And finally: Budget Bourbon. My current brand of choice is represented, so I may yet try the others.
I Would Watch That!: I have been given permission to share my son’s brilliant idea for a new TV show: he calls it “Law and Order and Batman.”
Dumbasses: There are plenty of vegan parents out there who manage not to starve their babies to death.
Leia: 20 facts, 20 pictures, one princess.
Startling: The amount of data that cell phone companies might have.
Pope Francis: I could like this Pope.
Coincidence, I’m Sure: The Feds cut off Vegas’s counter-terrorism funds (whatever) the same day a “suspicious package” forced evacuation of Nellis AFB’s hospital and the day after a suspected pipe bomb was left by the side of the freeway.
Sheila Bair Sounds the Alarm: the banks are getting ready to screw the economy again.
On Expanding War: “[Our leaders] should not casually initiate conflict with only limited understanding of complex situations. It’s past time for greater caution in commitments of U.S. military forces, particularly in the Middle East.”
Here Comes the Sun: Sunshine turns out to be good for humans.
Let’s Get Physical: So is exercise.
Imagine: Today and here are the important things.
What?: A man and his bike and his cat.
What Would Bryan Boitano Do?: Bacon restaurant and bacon cocktails (check the slide show).
Extremism and Understanding: Turns out they don’t go together well.
Yuck: Margarine.
About Time: Costa Concordia captain finally facing a trial. Hey, let’s not rush into anything, it’s only been a year and a half.
Dave is Right: Let’s fix the real problems.
German Efficiency: Not always a good thing.
Valjean’s Confession: Right, because preventing desperate people from feeding their families will totally solve the problem of crime. I’ve said this about Megan’s Laws and I’ll say it about this: if we have decided that some people will always be criminals, they should be put in prison for the rest of their lives, but then we need to have a serious discussion about what that means.
Don’t play it if you don’t have a sense of humor. Don’t play it if you don’t want to hear “bad words.” You probably shouldn’t play it at work.
In Closing: the choice to fail; the majority of Americans want common sense; tweeting pope; and you thought American banks were bad; on the economy; explaining Iceland; let me save you some reading; NDAA sucks and the new version is no better; “And when a story has enough obvious holes in it that small children roll their eyes, its literal truth is going to be a tough sell”; all the econo-talk you can stand in one place; on Grover Norquist; avoiding the cliff; and the smartest thing I ever read about small business taxes is “My company and my competitors never made a decision based on taxes. They made decisions incorporating what the tax structure is because we can’t change it.”
Be it resolved that henceforth, only T-Pain will be allowed to use autotune in recorded music. Other uses shall be considered a crime against humanity.
It is further resolved that quotations of Rapper’s Delight may only be made with the express consent and permission of the United Nations Security Council.*
Please, join me in support of this desperately needed performing arts issue. If I had a little more HTML talent, I’d put together a little ad for the sidebar.
In Closing: Mongols; he’s got a point; Rolling Jubilee; delayed; I guess it’s hard to win elections when you piss off 50% of the population; but they’re already part of the United States!; we’re all suspicious; belly buttons; new health plan?; politics and religion; filibuster all you like, but you gotta talk!; and oops! Somebody was very sure he’d win.
* Yeah, I’m talking to you too, Pitbull.