It’s the Food: It turns out that people do pay attention to nutrition labels. That’s a good thing, because soon and very soon obesity will overtake tobacco as the #1 killer of Americans. Have some truth in comic form.
Zombies!!: Well sure, they aren’t allowed to try and collect it, but they can still claim you owe it!
Act Two is Coming to Ferguson: The grand jury will speak soon. And it looks like the police are prepared for anything that happens… by which I mean that they are heavily armed in a manner that is itself inflammatory.
On Privacy, not Piracy: Americans are aware of how little privacy they may have.
A few last election items: Yeah, voters are disappointed in Democrats. Yeah Republicans simply “lost less.” And yeah, anybody who wants to win in 2016 better pay attention to how things are going for normal Americans.
And Finally: It would appear that I am the one person in America that does not give a single **** about Kim Kardashian’s ass.