Parade of Anecdotes

We keep hearing that the economy is just fine. No, really. If the economy is so great, I have a few questions:

Why is Porsche actually having to advertise?

Why is Ford having to announce that they will lay off (another) 30,000, not long after a similar announcement from GM? Oh, and Daimler Chrysler is laying off another 6000 worldwide.

Why has Target started carrying hair shears, putting them right next to the barrettes and hair color?

Why do we keep hearing stories about wages going down and things being tough all over?

Why is CNBC running commercials for temporary health insurance?

Why is my mail box overflowing with information on investing in precious metals, a traditional safe haven for times with the economy is in a tailspin?

Why are commodities such as oil, silver, and gold at or near record levels?

Why has Bank of America, one of our biggest banks, missed their earnings target?

I would just like to know how much information we need before we start questioning the validity of commonly circulated economic statistics.

3 thoughts on “Parade of Anecdotes”

  1. and in another interesting aside, (for those who see patterns and plots and conspiracy in the infinitessimal) the Verizon Eastside phone book is smaller by one third,,, another portend of a slowing economy?????

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