From the Art Museum in Charlotte. As the base says, Do Not Touch.
The other day a bridge collapsed (no, not the one in the picture). Old news, right? The NTSB is investigating, and they’re going to find that maintenance that should have been done, repairs that should have been made, renovations that should have been budgeted for, weren’t. I can say that without fear of contradiction; only the details are yet to be determined.
It’s not the first bridge to collapse, just the first big one this year. There’s other things that fall down when they aren’t supposed to as well. For a long time, we’ve been putting off repairs on our bridges, roads, schools, and other infrastructure, and the bill is coming due. It’s been bad enough for long enough that even Trump ran on promises to put money into infrastructure. This appealed to many of the people the Clinton campaign urged to “be reasonable.”
The Biden Administration did manage to get an infrastructure bill passed, but it’s probably too little and spread out over too many things. We also need state and local governments to get out the checkbooks and say “we need to fix this stuff before somebody gets hurt.” Oh but that will raise taxes. This is one of those cases where an ounce of prevention really is better than a pound of cure.
Regrettably, state and local governments want to argue over whether masks are important and what books should get banned instead of making sure the road less travelled remains a road at all.
I remember when this guy and his littermates were kittens. Pretty sure someone TNR’d them, because we aren’t overrun by cats! I do sometimes end up with kitty footprints on my car. More than one staff member feeds them. I have literally seen these cats watch the pigeons with no effort towards hunting. Obviously this picture taken in summertime.