It’s Rosh Hashanah, better understood as “Jewish New Year.”
In Closing: Hiding from Fembots; hard to hear over the hypocrisy; sobering survey; actually, believing that most attributes are “just the way somebody is” is bad for your health.
It’s Rosh Hashanah, better understood as “Jewish New Year.”
In Closing: Hiding from Fembots; hard to hear over the hypocrisy; sobering survey; actually, believing that most attributes are “just the way somebody is” is bad for your health.
Who is more feared: The Swedish House Mafia or The Glitch Mob?
I love Simon’s Cat:
I have been grooving on the new Macklemore track. It’s fun and eclectic.
Today I came upon this image:
I agree that the news media often choose not to report things that are important in favor of things that get ratings. However, the list of “what you should know about” is focused on environmental issues and barely gives lip service to other important things the media isn’t covering. Here’s a few things you should know about that might not make your evening news:
And that’s just a short list.
In Closing: Liverpool; ramen; resume; then she should find a job that doesn’t require her to do things that conflict with her religion (oh, you thought I was talking about that marriage license thing?); not having the desired effect on his image;
You remember the Rob Dougan? The guy who did that amazing song that happened to be featured in one of the Matrix movies? The song is called Clubbed to Death. Turns out there’s a Clubbed to Death II:
The source material is a lovely Chopin Prelude:
“I don’t mean people are packages, so let’s not be ridiculous,” the New Jersey governor told an interviewer on Fox News Sunday who pointed out that foreigners do not have labels on their wrists.
“This is once again a situation where the private sector laps us in the government with the use of technology,” Christie said. “We should bring in the folks from FedEx to use the technology to be able to do it. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
I’m not entirely sure how he intends to “use the technology” without something that seems very much like barcoding visitors. Maybe mandatory checkins with local authorities?
In Closing: this might be worth watching, but nobody better get in my way on the 21st. Got that??
So the latest “brilliant idea” from the Presidential candidate Chris Christie is to track immigrants as if they were Fed-Ex packages. Claiming that 40% of illegal immigrants are here on expired visas, his idea is to keep track of where they are, “And then when your time is up … however long your visa is, then we go get you and tap you on the shoulder and say ‘Excuse me, thanks for coming, time to go.’” Yes, real quote. Also, no specifics on how that would work. It’s not exactly dignified to slap a bar-code on them when they arrive at the airport. Hey, make sure the hotel scans that for you regularly, mmkay?
Now allow me to point out that — even if we take Mr. Christie’s often-quoted statistic at face value, this will catch at most 2/5 of illegal immigrants at some point in the future. It won’t do anything about the other 3/5. Hmm, interesting fraction that, since many illegal immigrants work in jobs that routinely violate labor laws, or are in outright slavery.
Back to the idea of somehow tracking every non-American who shows up at an port of entry, including airports and border crossings. Maybe give them some kind of emblem to pin on their jackets?? Now, if the Religious Right wing of the Republican base actually knows the tenets of their faith, they should have a specific Bible verse coming to mind.
Anybody who really wants to talk about the illegal immigration problem needs to address the fact that it can take many many years to get normal permanent status and/or become a citizen. There are only a limited number of permanent visas and green cards issued each year, and most immigrants must maintain that status for 5 years before applying to become a citizen. Dealing with current immigrants under these quotas is much like attempting to drink a gallon of milk using a teaspoon.
But hey, it sure sounds cool to track them like some package you’ve ordered.
In closing: boat; no, she can’t; irreproducible results; what recovery?; the plague.
As our school and college students prepare to head back to school, I thought I’d go ahead and round up some things I’ve said over the years (mostly, with a couple new links too) for your entertainment:
Have a great school year.
In closing: I think this BlogHer post might have been talking about this one!