Sadly Relevant:
Pride and Prejudice and Shorties
My tabs are getting out of hand. Apologies for the sparse postings. Studying is seriously impeding my ability to goof off!
On the GOP: Be Afraid! And a few words on poverty.
On why making the No Fly List also a No Gun List is really a bad idea: It’s absurdly easy to be put on the list, even if you aren’t even in preschool yet. There’s no due process to get off it. And exactly how many mass shootings have been committed by people who were already on the list? Judging from media coverage, I’d say that number must be very close to zero.
Dumbing Down: Even Sesame Street is dumbing down America and making us feel less safe.
What you should really be afraid of: Unexpected expenses: 63% of us are in deep financial doodoo if the transmission dies, the water heater springs a leak, or some other $500 expense pops up.
Another unfortunately rational fear: Death by law enforcement.
Close with something cheerful: Vegas and Sledge Hammer!
Music Monday: More Winter
Next Time… on Dragonballlllll Zeeeeeee!
Normally my Picture This posts are pictures I actually took myself. This is an exception.
This handsome fellow is Vegeta, Prince of a nearly extinct race of space-faring warriors called the Saiyans. He never bothered to have himself crowned king after his father died during the destruction of his home planet.
And this is his son, Trunks. Well, strictly speaking it’s his son from an alternate future, come back to help keep the Earth from being destroyed by androids.
The other day I realized that Trunks is drawn with Vegeta’s face and purple hair. They even have the same charming scowl. Here, the resemblance is easier to see this way:
At least he has his mother’s eyes.
In Closing: Same Old Story; checking my privilege; yeah, that helps; deserving; and painting a 737.
Music Monday: Winter
Blood from a Turnip
This morning when I woke up, I had 67 email messages in my inbox. Over 60 were asking for donations: this candidate, that political movement, charities and whatnot. There were more in my spam folder, and yet more that had already been filtered to a “political” folder.” Another half dozen begging messages or so have arrived every hour since then. More than a few have tried to guilt me into giving, imploring me to help unlock matching funds, defeat political bad guys, or simply implying that my lack of giving must surely be a mistake. Yes, I did a bunch more “unsubscribes” today. Part of me wishes I had thought to add up the minimum recommended donations for each one of these emails.
Let’s just say for the sake of argument that I have a total 80 begging emails today — remember, that’s just today, and that’s a bare minimum. And let’s say that on average each one asked for “only $5.” In real life, some asked for only $3, and others asked for $20. So, 80 emails times $5 each is $400.
Yeah, not gonna happen.
I do declare, I have no use for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz or Reince Priebus.
EDIT: 4 more emails asking for contributions arrived while I was writing this post!
For the record, the other emails were almost exclusively asking me to buy stuff. At least I would have something at the end of that transaction.
In Closing: hush now; Japan has always had a knack for making things smaller; let’s do this over the Holidays and hope nobody asks a bunch of questions; well, being forced to buy a product from highly profitable corporations is better than nothing, I guess; Unintended Result; nothing to hide, in a world where buying gardening supplies can get you a SWAT raid; and thank goodness Radley Balko is out there telling the truth.
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
10 Observations on the New Star Wars Movie, No Spoilers
Image from IMDB, so please visit them. Yes, I actually paid money to see it. In 3D no less. So in no particular order, my observations:
- Dear Directors of 3D Films and Trailers: If you could please stop making it appear that things are aimed right at my head, I’d appreciate it! — Thanks!
- It turns out that nurses “long ago in a galaxy far away” use pretty much the same therapeutic communication that nurses use here on this planet.
- There is nothing in The Force Awakens that suggests the Zahn Trilogy didn’t happen. However, the Extended Universe might no longer be canon.
- There are details of the soundtrack that I am distinctly unhappy about. Williams uses a 19th century technique that pairs characters and/or events with thematic material. I was ok with “Luke’s Theme” becoming “the Skywalker Theme,” but now it’s just the “Rebels doing cool stuff theme.” Best moments of the soundtrack were the strategic usage of “Leia’s Theme” and “Kenobi’s Theme” (also known as the “crazy old powerful Jedi wizard theme”).
- All those things you suspect? Yeah, probably true.
- I would love to be wrong about this one, but it sure looked to me like the right corner of Harrison Ford’s mouth droops a little bit.
- J.J. Abrams knows how to play up a scene for maximum suspense, before doing the obvious thing.
- Of course there’s a trash compactor!
- Droids are good at comic relief. And it’s amazing how small an astromech can be these days!
- Nice set up for the sequel. Hope they don’t screw it up.
In Closing: TPP is still not good; Department of Homeland Stasi; liars; obvious; sandwiches. I hope to put together something soon about the current proposal to make the No-Fly List into a No-Gun-Buy List — a proposal that only got traction after a mass shooting happened to be perpetrated by a Muslim instead of an angry and/or crazy white man.
Music Monday: The Classics Never Die
Nat King Cole sings Mel Torme’s classic
Music Monday: It’s Cold Outside
Isn’t this video adorable?