We just finished an election where the American voters rejected not just one, but two political dynasties. Furthermore, just about everybody except Maddie Albright rejected the notion of “vote for the girl ’cause she’s a girl.” And finally, voters rejected the notion of a “everything is fine nothing is broken” politics-as-usual candidate.
Michelle Obama would be a terrible choice for Democratic nominee in 2020. Not because she’s a woman. Not because she’s black. Not even because certain Republicans have spent the last 8 years criticizing literally everything about her.
Because we don’t pass down the Presidency like it’s some kind of crown.
Ok. Everybody recovered from either celebrating or being sad and confused yesterday? Good. Let’s take a collective deep breath or three. It’s time to talk like grown-ups about what happened this election.
I’d like to share some of the more level headed things that were said yesterday about Hillary’s defeat. No, not Trump’s win, but Hillary’s defeat. There were a lot of people who had a hard time choosing between — as this season of South Park put it — the douche or the turd sandwich. No, you can’t boil this down to “hate won” or “xenophobia and misogyny.” So here I offer the thoughts of Ryan Bort and Juan Cole. Note the theme of an enraged electorate whose standard of living has been in decline.
Hillary was a weak candidate: a “limousine liberal” in a time when Joe Average is not doing well. She was beset by scandals both real and imaginary.
Her slogan was “Stronger Together,” but she ran on “Come now, be reasonable and accept small variations on the status quo.” Bernie Sanders’s ideas? Come now, be reasonable. Recent radio ads purportedly sharing the thoughts of Republicans planning to vote for Clinton actually used the words “She’s reasonable.”
Here’s a good summary: “She was a weak candidate with tremendous baggage and very high unfavorable ratings. She was a status quo candidate with a status quo campaign in a change election.” And yet the decision was made very high up in the DNC that it was “her turn.”
So yeah, it’s time for a shakeup in the Democratic Party.
Our national nightmare of Election 2016 will be over one way or the other.
Not sharing how I voted, only want to encourage all of you to (in the immortal words of Nike), “Just Do It.” Once and only once. Assuming you are alive. No selfies.
In closing: Apple; no, you’re not even allowed to explore another culture’s traditions or fashions or Halloween (again, only if you’re a woman, nobody’s ragging on guys with tartans or topknots); and oh Weiner.
On the surface, this is a sweet song about a girl who doesn’t have a bunch of money, but she still dresses like it’s date night to dance with her honey to songs on the radio.
But I seriously misheard the lyrics. And it makes sense this way….
Dat’s a dead girl
She was killed in a night club shooting (“Badda bang bang”), but her ghost keeps showing up at the night club to dance (“I can see your energy”). She doesn’t need money because ghosts don’t pay cover charges or buy drinks. The guy who was with her that night still shows up at the club sometimes because he misses her so (“worth more than diamonds, more than gold”).
Excuse me, it takes some guts to glue chicken bits into a dinosaur shape, coat it with something gluten free, and then call it “all natural.” If you want to keep a gluten free household, that’s fine. Just don’t pretend that this product is anything other than junk food.
This handsome fellow is helping tend bar at the Foundation Room on the 61st floor of the Mandalay Bay. You probably know him better from this short clip.