Something not quite right here

So Mattel is trying really hard to show us that Barbie is still relevant. I suppose they think cultural diversity is part of that plan. How many things can you find wrong with this picture?

Offhand, I see a black girl with ridiculously straightened hair, and an Asian girl with a T-shirt that looks like they ran an internal contest for “best stereotype.”

When somebody who thinks cultural appropriation is a woman shaming scam notices this stuff, you can be sure the target audience ain’t buyin’ it either.

Why People Believe Fake News

I can show you with just two stories:

When the “news” refuses to cover stories like this, people start to wonder what else they aren’t talking about. They start to look for alternative news sources. And sometimes they end up at someplace at one far end or the other of the “news site” continuum. Yeah, it’s that simple.