Trade Ya

First, by way of follow up, two friendly reminders: the TSA’s Trusted Traveler System is still not a get out of the security line free card; and Social Security is not a savings plan of any sort and thus anybody who talks about the “returns” on Social Security either does not understand the system or is trying to manipulate you.

The day’s headline economic news may be the Fed raising short term interest rates, but the Fed is not acting in a vacuum. Part of the Big Picture for the United States economy is the record trade deficit. Not only does this mean that we are importing more stuff than we are exporting, month after month, in spite of a low and dropping dollar, it means that more money is leaving the country than entering it each month. As if that were not bad enough, the trade deficit is one of the factors used to calculate Gross Domestic Product, so don’t be shocked if GDP estimates get lowered.

The Bush Administration says this is mostly because of high oil prices, which OPEC keeps high because the dollar is weak and oil trades in dollars. Another huge factor is our trade deficit with China, which is going to get worse after the first of the year, when textile quotas are eliminated. Many of the 700,000 American textile workers may lose their jobs, but we will all be able to buy cheap anti-microbial underwear.

The part of the trade deficit that nobody is talking about is that the United States no longer has a trade surplus in agricultural goods. It is difficult to overstate the importance of this fact. Over and above the fact that there is no longer a food export surplus to offset other imports, over and above the impact on the family farmers and ranchers for whom we are told “death tax” repeal was critical, over and above the dizzying drop from a $13 Billion annual surplus in 2001 to no surplus now.

In addition to being dependent on foreign nations for oil, we will soon depend on foreign nations for food.

Now does Tommy Thompson’s warning on food safety make more sense?

Oh the Job Market Outside is Frightful

It turns out that jobless claims are on the rise, and now sit at the worst levels since September. Keep in mind that when the Department of Labor says that, seasonally adjusted, 8000 more people made a first time claim for unemployment insurance, they really mean an increase of 147,256. That link only contains the most recent information, and thus will be gone next week! Remember, these numbers do not include temps, part-timers, and contractors because they are not eligible to receive unemployment benefits. The point remains that there was a larger increase in the state of Wisconsin alone (+10880) than the official seasonally adjusted headline number. If you prefer to think of it this way, the increase in people claimed unemployment for the first time last week exceeded the number of jobs created in all of November.*

Where else on earth does 8 equal 147?

In other bad news for the American economy, productivity growth is down and over 100,000 layoffs were announced in both October and November. Remember, that’s only announced layoffs at companies big enough to bother with press releases about such things. John Challenger, the guy whose job is to be an expert on layoffs and their effect on everything else says “The biggest worry for the economy is that the large number of lower-middle class and middle-class Americans struggling to make it paycheck to paycheck will be short of discretionary income during the holiday shopping season.” Plain and simple, many people will not have money for Christmas presents.

Meanwhile, we have a President who thinks that making sure 4th graders can read will help their parents get jobs.

Finally, I leave you with the most balanced item on currency problems that I have seen to date.

* This is a net jobs created figure, so lay-offs are already taken into account.

I reed, rite, & count reel gud.

If you are a supervisor, manager, or any other businessperson who hires and directs others, you may already know what follows. If not, I am about to scare you.

American students, by age 15, have fallen behind their peers in many countries. In fact, only 10% are considered to fall in the top two most proficient groups, despite the fact that 72% say they get good grades in math. We aren’t talking about esoteric problems involving mathematical minutia, either; the test the students were given “assesses the abilities of 15-year-old students from 41 countries to apply what they have learned in school to real-life problems.” Problems much like those adults face on the job and in their lives. A calculator won’t help with these problems unless you know what to calculate.

One expert excuses the poor performance of American teenagers by pointing out that our classes focus on “analytical and theoretical” issues, saying “You could have American kids knowing more math, it’s just that they may test lower than other countries because their learning is not geared toward practical application.” Call me old fashioned, but practical application of math is what most adults will do when they balance their checkbook. I think little of “analysis” that does not result in accurate “application.” This explanation is akin to saying we shouldn’t be expected to read newspapers, but we studied Shakespeare in High School!

Apparently, there is no great secret for how to prepare students to do well on this type of test. Throwing money at schools was not the answer, instead the critical factors were “a good relationship between students and teachers, pupils eager to learn, an environment in which mathematics classes do not provoke anxiety, and constructive rules to enforce discipline.”

Let me say that again: it is well known how to teach math to students, yet American students are not learning.

In general, effective teaching methods are no great secret, just sometimes ignored, derided as the stuffy, boring old way things used to be done. It is as true for reading or any other subject as it is for math.

And, no surprise, we have a crisis of language skills in the United States too. We are a nation that can’t tell the difference between s and ‘s, that can’t put together a coherent memo, that can’t read instruction manuals. Even some college educated professionals have problems when it comes to written English. The addition of e-mail to the workplace has made this all the more obvious to employers.

Some people are under the delusion that public education does not effect them. They think that because their kids are grown up, or they have no kids, that schools are none of their business. The truth of the matter is that unless you live in a cave, every day you interact with and depend upon people who were educated in public schools. Your doctor, lawyer, hairdresser, landscaper, the cashier at the grocery store, the FedEx delivery guy, all very likely went to public schools. You even depend on public schools to teach enough reading that the guy in the next car understands “No Left Turn” and doesn’t crash into you.

The history and usage of the word “dude” is probably more interesting than the rules of grammar, punctuation, and mathematics. All things considered, I’d rather have an employee who understands how to solve everyday problems using math to one who understands the proper use of the term “Dude.”

Okay, that’s enough.

I confess, when it was very first suggested that airport screeners should be employees of the Federal Government, I thought that was a good idea. I mistakenly believed that this meant they would have to meet the same standards as many other Federal employees, including that they pass a civil service exam and have their background checked. I was wrong. TSA screeners don’t even strictly speaking have to have a GED.

So, here we are 3 years into the Age of Terror-Threats. Today, we have a new nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security, an emotionally charged title which is supposed to make us think of Mom, Baseball and Apple Pie (and maybe ’57 Chevys), but unfortunately makes me think of European Nationalism. I hope Mr. Kerik is wearing protective gear, because he is about to walk into a big mess.

I am speaking of a problem so big that even editorial cartoons are piling on. I speak of invasive searches at the airport. Here is one account, another account wherein it is made clear that the TSA is not permitted to clarify the situation, and a rebuttal from someone who obviously does not understand the problem. To be selected for such a search, one does not need to set off any alarms, merely have an unusual shape. There is some evidence that the TSA doesn’t even follow their own rules when conducting such searches. Such incidents may well be severely under-reported due to a fear of being placed on a Do Not Fly list.

Just because people are not submitting formal complaints to the TSA does not mean they aren’t complaining.

But it gets worse than this. There is plenty of evidence that many screeners are abusing their authority, abusing the fact that nobody gets on a commercial airliner unless they say so. Here is an account of alleged strip searches at one airport and a story of a man who has experimented with the TSA’s rules regarding shoe removal, entitled “Screenings at airports confound men, too.”

Now think about this. We are worried about miniscule quantities of explosives being hidden in women’s bras, but we are only inspecting 10-20% of the tons of cargo that go in the very same airplane. If you wrap a Christmas present in your carry-on or checked luggage, it may have to be unwrapped even though it will be on the plane with you; if you mail it, the same package may go on the same airplane without you, and receive no inspection whatsoever.

I would advise you to write your Congressional representatives, but it has been made clear that Congress will only be considering issues that please “a majority of the majority.”

When can we stop pretending this has anything to do with keeping us safe and everything to do with keeping us in line?

Privacy? What would you need that for?

Never confuse identifying a person with looking at an ID.

For a couple of years, the United States has been working on a plan for more secure passports, and using their position as a great nation to force other nations to do likewise. In an effort to contain a lot of information, make it difficult to forge, and have it be processed at a customs office in minimum time, the new passports will include an RFID chip — a very small, low power radio transmitter. This will allow customs officials to gather all kinds of information almost instantly with a mechanical reader. The reader doesn’t even have to physically contact the passport; depending on who you believe the passport can be read anywhere from one to ten meters away.

Business Week calls it “Big Brother’s Passport to Pry.” CNet cites “high tech snooping concerns.” Security expert Bruce Schneier lays it out:

Unfortunately, RFID chips can be read by any reader, not just the ones at passport control. The upshot of this is that travelers carrying around RFID passports are broadcasting their identity. Think about what that means for a minute. It means that passport holders are continuously broadcasting their name, nationality, age, address and whatever else is on the RFID chip. It means that anyone with a reader can learn that information, without the passport holder’s knowledge or consent. It means that pickpockets, kidnappers and terrorists can easily–and surreptitiously–pick Americans or nationals of other participating countries out of a crowd.

The Bush Administration thinks that’s just fine. Really! Maybe out of ignorance, maybe out of pure hubris, they seem to think that surely such readers will never ever be possessed by Bad Guys. Anyone who carries such a passport will be subject to identity theft and potential nationalistically motivated violent acts.

As if that isn’t bad enough, these passports will contain biometric information so primitive that a mere smile can cause identification failure. Talk about “not ready for prime-time” technology.

And have I mentioned the use of covert x-rays as a security device? Or a provision in the new 3000 page federal budget (passed only 2 months late) that allows certain Congressmen or their “agents” to look at anybody’s tax return they case to see? Or a proposal that would force every college in the nation to send the name and Social Security Number of every student to the Federal Government, regardless of their status or financial aid eligibility?

This goes far beyond the over-reaching anything-to-keep-us-safe only-a-criminal-would-object privacy invasions of the PATRIOT Act.

In closing, I bring you abusive employers who demand unpaid overtime rather than create a new job, a possible Senate rule to silence dissent, and a must-bookmark site for anyone who travels frequently, the official FAA airport delay site.

Apple of My i

If you bought shares in Apple Computer a few months ago when it broke 30, now might be an excellent time to look at lightening up.

In case you don’t watch the blow-by-blow financial news, here is the short version of what has happened. Monday, the stock was upgraded by Piper Jafray, with a new price target of $100 per share. This level was just short of double the previous price target, and 90 percent more than where it traded last Friday. So Monday, the stock jumped! In fact it looks as though the stock has jumped a few more points today to close pennies under $64 per share.

The rationale for this upgrade is that digital music is hot, hot, hot, and no digital music player is more hip than the iPod. Of course, some people point out that this makes them a one trick pony. Where are the computer sales? The Operating System sales? The software sales?

Frankly this thing smells like Blodget’s famous $400 price target for Yes it got there, and in a hurry, but it didn’t stay there for long. Who are these people bidding Apple up this high? Was there a big short squeeze or something?

Consider a “stop” order on this, so if the price drops suddenly your broker will sell it to keep you from losing money (hence, stopping your loss). Or, if you bought in the low 30s, sell half; the remaining half can go to zero and you still don’t lose money. You get to enjoy the roller coaster almost risk free. Insert the usual disclaimer here that I own Apple shares.

In closing, I hope everybody has a Happy Thanksgiving. As a topical item I offer this item on “heritage turkeys.”

And thank you all for reading.

Just in Time for Christmas

You have probably heard that Sears and KMart are merging. Or more accurately, that KMart is buying Sears. This is all the more remarkable when you remember that 18 months ago, pundits were wondering if KMart would survive bankruptcy, and Sears was finalizing the purchase of catalog retailer Lands End. The merger will created the nation’s third biggest retailer (behind WalMart and Target, if you are curious). Although the company will be called Sears Holding Company, the retailers will still be run as two different brands. Wall Street is pleased.

Some pundits are skeptical that two struggling retailers can make one healthy company. They point out — and rightly so — that part of KMart’s journey to profitability involved selling off a bunch of stores, some of them to Sears! Others point out that KMart is run by a very smart man, who already owned 14% of Sears, who managed to get KMart from bankruptcy to profit.

In short, if anybody can make this thing work, it’s Eddie Lampbert.

Don’t think that this deal will mean you can buy Kenmore Appliances or Craftsman Tools at KMart; the KMart shopper is looking for $5 sets of screwdrivers, not $5 screwdrivers. Nor should you expect to see KMart brands at Sears. You don’t expect to see Marshall Field’s brands at Target, do you? Sure, there will be economies of scale for certain items, particularly in the IT department. And have no fear, Martha Stewart will get her cut. Instead of a cross-marketing frenzy, I think it is reasonable to expect a streamlined parallel strategy.

On the Sears side, the endless remodels should stop. Yet more paint and paper and “excuse our mess” signs don’t move product nobody wants. All the stores are pretty recently remodeled, and really should focus on merchandise. Another thing that costs money and doesn’t move merchandise is the Sears game of musical managers. Maybe if one team stayed in place long enough to understand their particular store, improvements would come about. Finally, stop undercutting themselves on Lands End products. There is no reason that I should pay a lower price and no shipping if the product I want happens to be in Sears.

On the KMart side…. well make people like me want to go into a KMart for some reason, any reason. The time may well have come for advertising. It made sense not to pay for a bunch of ads when they were emerging from bankruptcy, but now the company is profitable. You can’t sell things if you have no customers.

Although KMart has already addressed the issue of closing underperforming stores and “unlocking value” by selling unused property, the day will come when Sears stores will have to look carefully at its own underperforming stores. Sure, give management a chance to make things work, but some stores will just have to go. Maybe some of these would make better KMarts. Indeed, maybe a few KMarts will become Sears.

Of course these are just my ideas. Mr. Lampbert surely has plenty of ideas of his own.

Oh, and as a follow-up, Alan Greenspan is concerned about the Budget Deficit, the Trade Deficit, and the lows on the Dollar.

Nothing Better To Do

Congress is currently in a “lame duck” session, trying to finish up a veritable buffet of issues that they should have resolved before the elections. Little things, like the Federal budget — no hurry, the fiscal year only started in October. This happens every year, as if they never see the new budget year coming. Oh, and since we are having record deficits, they are going to have to pass an increase on the deficit cap. Of course, Congress has other things in mind, too. Like that intelligence reform thing that the 9/11 Commission recommended (their report is in the running for an award, you know). Hopefully they can pull this off without a witchhunt. Of course my inner cynic wants to know why, if this could be put off until late November, it couldn’t have been handled in early January when the newly elected congresscritters arrive.

Among the issues they hope to tackle, an issue clearly on a footing with whether or not the expenses of the Federal government get paid, is taking away your fair use rights regarding media you legally own. Currently under consideration is a bill written so poorly or craftily, depending on your bias, that it boggles the mind. In addition to providing a prison term for people who bring video cameras into movie theaters, it would make it illegal to use iTunes music sharing, a feature that allows people to listen to but not copy items on the local network. Under this proposed law, it is legal to fast forward over gory bits of a horror film, but illegal to skip commercials. Will it at least be legal to use the bathroom during the commercial break?

I wonder how that will be enforced.

A wide array of groups are protesting, but your voice is needed as well. Let your Senators know that although you are a registered voter, the RIAA and MPAA are not.

And tell them to finish that darn Federal budget already, skip the pork.

Two Dollars a Pound

That’s what they are saying in London, that the dollar is falling such that it will take $2 to buy one British Pound, the first time that has happened in 12 years. They fear that “more loose fiscal policy” is on the way from Washington, and have “concerns about the future of the US economy as a whole.”

Other nations are concerned as well, with Italy considering monetary intervention to prop up the falling dollar. That’s Italy, a country whose government Lonely Planet describes as follows: “Italy’s parliament has a reputation for scandal and resignation, and at times it has left Italy virtually ungoverned and utterly chaotic.” That Italy is worried about the price of American Dollars.

Even the Chinese want to get out of American currency, which will drive the dollar lower and — since China’s currency is linked to ours — make Chinese goods even lower priced for worldwide export. Unfortunately, it won’t make Chinese goods cheaper here in the States because, well, their currency is linked to ours.

There is some disagreement as to why this situation is occurring. Larry Kudlow, former Reagan advisor (and thus supply sider) beleives the drop of the Dollar against the Euro has little to do with what is happening here and everything to do with what is happening there. In a nutshell, there aren’t enough Euros, driving the price of them artificially high. Why this would effect the Pound and Yen — which float more or less freely against both Dollar and Euro — I can’t say.

Rather the “benign neglect” that international journalists speak of as the cause, I prefer to think this has been a calculated move on the part of the administration. Otherwise, John Snow might have said something about it. Why? Well, first, it’s an attempt to fix the trade deficit. When a nation has more imports than exports, that effectively funnels money out of the country. It’s also a big drag on the Gross Domestic Product. In short, you can’t have monster trade deficits indefinitely. A cheap dollar makes American goods “cheaper” overseas — encouraging people from other nations to buy them — and makes foreign goods more expensive here — encouraging us to “buy American.”

Second, the Administration was hoping to force China to de-link its currency from our own. Unfortunately, the same low dollar which is supposed to make American goods more affordable overseas makes Chinese goods cheaper too. China’s actions this week make it clear that they can play this dollar dump game too, and they are big enough to win: they have a population of over a Billion and a GDP of $6.449 Trillion, growing at over 9% annually.

Of course the falling dollar also has side effects. Aside from the international concerns detailed above, there is the fact that since oil is traded in dollar denominations, OPEC can no longer afford to pump oil for $22 per barrel.

What to do now? Jim Jubak has these tips for investing in a weak dollar world, or if you’d prefer, here’s some down to earth consumer advice from the Chicago Sun Times.

Things Are Tough All Over

I spent the weekend in San Francisco, and would like to share some observations with you. I was a block off Union Square, in one of the few hotels that did not have a picket line. That narrows down where I stayed remarkably. Yes, it was loud; no, I didn’t particularly mind; no, at no time did I cross a picket.

We are not talking about workers who are striking to force an employer to agree to a massive increase of pay and benefits. These people are just trying to keep even. Even the Mayor is on their side, perhaps remembering that employees vote, but companies do not.

Expect this to get uglier before it gets solved, and expect this scene to become more common until such time as we solve the problem of rising health insurance costs, as well as employee benefits in general. The great irony is that employer provided insurance may drive the price of insurance up. As an experiment, dig out your employee benefits information and pay-stub, figure out what health insurance costs, and get an online quote for similar coverage.

It may be harder to get a job these days, but employees are tired of being treated as nothing more than a commodity.

Other points of interest:

Chinatown is well worth seeing — and shopping! A suitably short woman can even find clothes that fit without alteration. Top notch Chinese cuisine is of course available.

The Metreon is a fascinating gallery of all things Sony. Words do not adequately describe this Temple of Geek.

The San Francisco Apple Store has a variety of events. I attended a GarageBand seminar that was not meant for power-users, but I learned things. Thank you, Geoff!

If you are planning on being in San Francisco on November 20-21, you should absolutely consider attending the International Taiko Festival, sponsored by the San Francisco Taiko Dojo. I got to see a free concert in Union Square and it was amazing! I have been to percussion concerts before, but this was more like dancing with drums.

Finally, it was my pleasure to have lunch with Elisa Camahort. We — and our significant others — had a lovely time, good food, and great conversation.