
As the Christian Holy Week progresses (and Passover ends), it becomes harder to ignore the fact that not all Men of God are in fact Holy.

Exhibit one is, of course the problem of pedophile priests in the Catholic Church. While this was initially thought to be “a few bad apples,” it has become clear that this scandal is continuing to bloom and spread its scope like wildflower blossoms in springtime. Lately, you can’t go a week without learning of some new problem. Nor can we even safely say the problem is isolated to one country. As things stand, there is every indication that child molestation is epidemic if not endemic! The nice folks at Crooks and Liars helpfully sum it up as “Holy Crap.”

And what has the Church done about it? Have any Bishops said “Say 200 rosaries and turn yourself in to the police while I apologize to your congregation or school”? No! They’ve covered it up! The “infallible” Pope himself has dirty hands, and he would do well to remember what Jesus said about hurting little children. Because if he even half-way believes what he preaches, it’s coming. It’s coming for him, and all the molesters he enabled.

At what point should the entire thing be considered a criminal enterprise?

The apparent answer: when a “church” starts threatening to shoot people.

Oh, the media is careful not to call the Hutaree a church! If they did that, people would start to draw parallels between this and the Branch Davidians — Is your church approved by the BATF? They allegedly threatened police officers, and while nobody sane wishes any harm to our police (or other citizens), they had not actually done anything. Yet. Nevertheless, let us not forget two things: first, we aren’t calling them terrorists nor even terrorist sympathizers (they are white Christians, not brown Muslims); second, they are only accused of plotting murder, whereas the priests have actually harmed little children.

As wonderful as it is to prevent a tragedy, it is more fitting for our justice system to right wrongs that have actually occurred.

In Closing: Due process for detainees is not a pretty business; about time the President followed the Chief Justice’s hint and got some recess appointments in place; too big to put in jail? I bet Bernie Madoff could use company!; school lunches are a lifeline for many families (and it’s hard to pay attention to math and reading when your stomach grumbles), but there’s not really enough money to do the job right and some places don’t even seem to want it done right; the treaty that has to go; Wallstrington; because clearly a 15 year old girl is “confused” about how important it is to graduate high school?; killing bibliophiles; at least the government is set to make a profit somewhere; put some fear into the banks, enforce the law; “Welcome to the club of states who don’t turn their back on the sick and the poor“; state of financial emergency; and yes, let’s talk about ballot initiatives! Vote NO!

One thought on “CrimeChurch”

  1. If I remember correctly the Bible says “As a man soweth, also shall he reap.” This is God’s way of saying “What goes around comes around.”

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