Mom, can I come home? On one hand, the economy is sufficiently bad that there is a societal trend towards young adults staying at home or moving back home. On the other hand, how quickly we forget how many seasons Meathead and Gloria lived with the Bunkers, how many years it took to scrape together the money for the downpayment on the Jefferson’s old place. (Thanks to Sarah, for pointing out this story!)
Wanted: Alternative to Hillary. A fascinating piece about the intersection of money, politics, and influence. His name is Chris Korge, and he supports Hillary Clinton in 2008 — but only if she’s running.
Fifteen scientific replies to challenges by creationists. Not just a must read it’s a must understand.
The Chinese proverb is “Wealth never survives three generations.” The problem is that nobody is teaching young people to manage their money.
Go Sandra! Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has spent the last several days shaking trees and slaughtering sacred cows, showing us all what a real conservative sounds like! In one apparently brilliant speech, she blasted pro-life advocates on Terri Schiavo, cautioned against “strong-arming” the independent judiciary, and warned against the beginnings of a dictatorship.
Finally, yet another story to keep an eye on: possible mistakes — including disobeying a judge’s direct instructions — may mean accused “20th hijacker” mistrial. I am at a loss for why the prosecution would deliberately do things to jeopardize this case. After all, the Government badly needs to show that they are on top of the terrorism thing, and what better way to do that than to convict this guy? Unfortunately, I think the Christian Science Monitor has hit on an underlying and very chilling fact: “‘This [Moussaoui trial] is about whether the criminal justice system has any role in the war on terror,’ says Juliette Kayyem, a public policy expert at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.” If there is a mistrial, a retrial, or anything short of sending Moussaoui to death row, I expect to hear rhetoric about how these people, these suspected terrorists should not be tried in civilian courts at all, but rather by military tribunals. However bad terrorists may be, it is very dangerous to the rest of society to have certain crimes tried in secret courts.
Have a great week, everybody.