Healthcare Follow-Up: “Health spending went up 6.9 percent in 2005, approaching $2 trillion. The total amount represents about $1 of every $6 spent in the United States, compared with about $1 out of every $10 in the early 1980s.” But that’s slower growth. Yay, I guess. More on the Governator’s plan. And smacked down by his in-laws! Let Mr. Kennedy show you what a real universal coverage plan looks like.
The Bare Minimum: By now everybody knows about the minimum wage hike bill going through Congress right now. I wonder if it will be vetoed. In any event, here’s Life at America’s Bottom Wage and U.S. Home Prices Unaffordable for Many Workers.
You want to put what where? The SMU community isn’t sure they want the Bush Library. Go, Mustangs!
Um yeah, a headscarf is not the same as a bomb. Airport screeners get [long overdue] training in how to to tell a devout Muslim from a rabid “Islamofascist.”
“Surge” is something storms and waves do, not American troops. Some sage words. Seriously though, “storm surge” was what destroyed parts of New Orleans. “Surge” cannot and will not put Iraq together again. Let’s call it what it is: escalation.
Make it as secure as you like, your employees will manage to find ways around it. The problem of corporate security in a webmail world.
If you want to fix the picture, you’d better take a look at the frame. Issues important to women, and the media that undermines them.
And finally, obligatory comparison of iPhone to other devices. The biggest difference, of course, it that you can get the other devices today. Pull up a bowl of popcorn and let’s watch the legal battle ensuing. Um, yeah. Cisco owns the trademark to iPhone, and has since purchasing it in 2000. The trademark was created in 1996, which means it predates the original iMac. Cisco even has a product called the iPhone. Oops!