Excuse me, it takes some guts to glue chicken bits into a dinosaur shape, coat it with something gluten free, and then call it “all natural.” If you want to keep a gluten free household, that’s fine. Just don’t pretend that this product is anything other than junk food.
Category: Picture This
This handsome fellow is helping tend bar at the Foundation Room on the 61st floor of the Mandalay Bay. You probably know him better from this short clip.
Very Important Hat
One of These Things is Not Like the Others
Hey, need some help there?
That Funky Monkey!
This fellow is either at the Encore or the Wynn, and I can’t recall which one. But, clearly, he’s not real gold.
More Stupid Things to Buy
Uh, you know, you could just use some brine from the olives you were going to put in the martini, right? “Dirty” isn’t some special liqueur used to make one of those faux-martini things in a trendy bar.
No specific kind of battery was specified!
Uh, yeah.
A new spin on “playing the cello“?