Happy Halloween, folks!
Here are a few of my favorite October posts over the last 5 years: How to Make Money Selling Cars is strangely new again; Post Partum Depression is still too common and too rarely treated; seriously, Just Say No to Voter Initiatives; School Fundraisers are a terrible waste of time for students and faculty; I wish I was Special; and Rent Control does the exact opposite of what proponents think it does.
In closing: Nebraska Governor thinks only cute little babies are worth saving from parents who can’t take care of them; banks would rather outright give money to people who don’t need it than lend it to people who do need it; the Government economists can no longer hide the fact that the economy sucks; a voter’s guide straight out of the Bible; finally somebody who is really Pro-Life instead of Anti-Abortion or Anti-Sex; speaking of which, a real pro-life stance admits that expecting mothers are living beings too; and remember to VOTE Tuesday if you haven’t already. I hope to have an item on the philosophy of voting by then, but you never know. Have a great weekend!