So. Turns out you can add another person to the very short list of Country artists I like.
Construction Supervisor
Time Flies
This may well be the longest I’ve ever had one employer.
Lack of Music Monday: Antibiotic Resistance
This is a very important topic. Bacteria are evolving — yes, evolving (whether you like that term or not) — faster than we are able to develop safe drugs to combat them. This is one of several things I deal with at work every single day.
Music Monday: Engulfed Cathedral
Last week in Thailand, a temple complex re-emerged from the depths. A dam put it underwater decades ago. A drought brought it back. Insert comment about global warming here if you’d like.
In honor of this event, I present one of my mother’s favorite pieces of music, Debussy’s Engulfed Cathedral.
Not Your Typical Vegas View
Had to spend a week there recently. Ended up staying downtown in what seemed to be the Steakhouse district.