Five True Things About Yoga

This is my Yoga Buddy

Over the years that I’ve been practicing yoga, I have had the honor of learning five true things. The first three were slow to come, and the last two were learned in the last year.

  1. You can learn to do any pose better than you can right now. Always. Even something as simple as Tadasana.
  2. The pose you hate most is probably the pose you need most right now. This does not apply if the pose puts any strain whatsoever on the neck or actively causes pain, of course,
  3. It’s okay to admire and find beauty in someone else’s practice, but it’s never okay to compare yourself to them. They have their own practice, their own strengths and weaknesses, which are different from yours.
  4. It’s a practice, not a performance. You are — or should be — doing this for you and not for anybody else.
  5. Everyone sets an intention — what they want out of that day’s practice — whether they are aware of it or state it as an intention, or not! Sure you can say “I just want to stretch today.” Guess what? That’s an intention! “I’m not interested in any woo, I’m just here for the physical benefits.” Also an intention!

Someday maybe I will learn more true things. But for this moment, it is enough.

The funny thing is that I very recently learned something about these truths. I will share that in my next post.