If you say so

This was taken in the gymnasium of a nearby school. In reality, the Women’s Restroom is beyond the drinking fountains to which the sign points. Nevertheless, it’s amusing.

In closing is mostly economics today: Oh where, oh where has my health data gone? oh where, oh where could it be?; unemployment is up, even the way the Department of Labor measures it, in the biggest jump since the Reagan Administration; nevertheless some companies want to hire cheap immigrant highly skilled foreign workers; the real Misery Index is miserable; Robert Reich on the need for a real stimulus package, not just spewing some checks and hoping the economy gets better; Dyre on McCain thinking warrant-free wiretaps are just fine and dandy; a really touching picture that gives me a lot of insight into their relationship; and turning customs agents into DMCA enforcers. We had to learn from an Irish news source that “an international copyright treaty being formulated by the US, EU, Canada, Japan and Australia” in its proposed form “could see customs officers checking media players for pirated material”. Now tell me this: how exactly can the customs officer prove you don’t legitimately own the CD at home? I don’t know about you, but I would rather that customs officers spent their limited time and resources trying to keep genuine contraband such as drugs and weapons from moving across borders, rather than checking iPods.

Have a great weekend, folks.