Happy Memorial Day

Picture of the Washington Memorial courtesy of Royalty Free Clip Art.

Celebrate with the last living American Veteran of World War I The Great War. But if you are going to celebrate with the President, the Secret Service would like you to leave your dogtags (and anything you could conceivably use as a weapon) in the barracks.

In closing: Will work; why is oil so expensive, take one and take two (if you said “because we’re not digging up the ANWR” or “because of OPEC” you’d be wrong); MegaPenny project; Old Time Radio; that’s how you invoke Bobby Kennedy; job cuts aren’t just for the little people anymore; when the world’s richest man says we’re in a recession, you’d better listen; heathens don’t drive Fords; Interesting translations; and Stationmaster Tama is back in the news, with a prosh photo over at Cute Overload to boot. Yes, Tama-san is still a cat. Not enough Japan for you? Then stock up on sake and rice crackers; ABC is filming a game show called “I Survived a Japanese Game Show.”

One thought on “Happy Memorial Day”

  1. The SW always comes up with the cool links. So I was poking around at the Pureland Mountain site and watched the vid on Brain Science from the Inside… pretty interesting.

    On a different note… when do we find out the rest of the story about the crime scene mentioned a couple of SW posts back?

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